Interview with Mr. Å

Great interview. I must admit I have shied away from Opeth VERY strongly since the release of GR, to the point where I only listened to SL & MAYH again 2 days ago, after almost a year or two. I do miss the darker side of the music, and GR didn't deliver that for me.

I really hope they come out with the goods this time, I've been disappointed with them for ages and it sucks because they're too good to be disappointed with.

Bring on the new album I say.
That was my main complaint too when GR arrived, it wasnt as dark as the rest of the albums. And iirc I think Mike said it could have to do with him beeing in a very happy period in his life while writing it. Its nice to hear that this one is looking to be really twisted.

Hubster: Have you quit mapping? I played Dismemberment ALOT with my friend back in 2002, fun times. :)
^ I haven't "quit" mapping, just been really busy the last few years concentrating on my career and real life stuff really. And music :) I'll map again, just not sure when...