Interview with Scott Ian in UK Metro


Apr 11, 2006
For the brits - interview with Scott Ian in today's free commuter paper, the Metro.

He's hosting the Kerrang awards tonight, likes fall out boy, yet doesn't like MCR because they are too pop. Work that one out.
Well remember that interview with Lilker a few months ago where he said he thinks Anthrax should call it a day, maybe that had something to do with it.

Then again Scott just prolly got the dates mixed up, slip of the tongue.
Yeah the Frankie thing was off. By a lot.

And DarrellDeth; never heard that one. I heard the whole Under the Corktree album and also that stupid This Ain't a Scene song (Which sounds like one of those boy bands from the late nineties... :Puke: ) and they all SUCKED... oh well. To each his own. Scott, if you wanna like Fallout Boy, go ahead, but... I'll never think of you the same way again. :p
Yeah the Frankie thing was off. By a lot.

And DarrellDeth; never heard that one. I heard the whole Under the Corktree album and also that stupid This Ain't a Scene song (Which sounds like one of those boy bands from the late nineties... :Puke: ) and they all SUCKED... oh well. To each his own. Scott, if you wanna like Fallout Boy, go ahead, but... I'll never think of you the same way again. :p

I listened to their newest album and I hated it. That one song is the only one I like.
^ the "To each their own" was directed at Scott, by the way. And yes, the new album sucks too.