Interviews missing from the PP XI Program?


Yes,they call me Aki too.
Jul 18, 2002
Helsinki, Finland
Visit site
So, on my flight home I browsed through the PP XI program magazine to finally read the non-teaser version of the Leprous interview. Much to my surprise it's not printed on the program at all! I guess there wasn't simply enough space for it in the end? I noticed it's not on the Index of the program either.

Would it be possible to get the full thing online? The teaser was posted earlier at so clearly the interview exists at least. Seems like same thing happened with the Six Minute Century interview which might interest some people too.
I believe the interviews will *all* be posted *in full* once the new ProgPower USA website is launched. I can't confirm this, but I believe that was the original plan. As for the program, it was decided that only the showcase headliner (Accept) would get printed.
Ah alright, must have missed the information somewhere, thanks!

Now that I checked out the Accept interview I do notice the small print in the end of it that it will be fully posted at the website together with the rest of Kick-off interviews.
Claus began posting the interviews online yesterday; all four Kick-Off bands, Kamelot, Hammerfall, and Paradox.
