Two PPUSA VIII Interviews Posted (Richard West and "IA")


Just a Kid at Heart
G'day Sportsfans,

I just posted the first half of my interview with Threshold keyboardist Richard West. A few weeks before that, I posted the first half of my wild and woolly interview with Mattias "IA" Eklundh.

Over the course of the next few weeks, every one of my interviews will appear on my interview site. Well, half of every interview, that is. Only those who attend ProgPower USA VIII will get the full scoop because the entire interview will only be available in the printed PPUSA VIII official program.

I spoke to Richard just yesterday and got as full a scoop on the departure of Mac and the arrival of Damian as anyone is likely to get. I tacked yesterday's conversation to the beginning of my earlier interview with him.


Keep your eyes peeled. I'm making final edits to the interviews now and will open the floodgates over the next few weeks. I'll alert everyone on the Forum when they're posted. I'm thinking it might be fun to post the rest all at once, but we'll see.

By the way, I'm having another chat with Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear) next Tuesday afternoon to get his insights on their extraordinary new album New Religion, to be released in late September. I'm thinking if you weren't a fan of Primal Fear before, New Religion will make a believer out of you.

Thanks for reading this. And enjoy Richard and IA. More to come.


Bill does an outstanding job. I take nothing for granted in this industry and I really do hope he decides to stick around as long as he wants.

Gosh, I wasn't aware I was going anywhere. :)

Seriously, if it were up to me, I'd help you with PPUSA and whatever else you needed help with for as long as you wanted me to. Next to writing (advertising/marketing/PR/screenplays) music -- especially power/prog rock -- is my passion. And nobody does it like you do, Glenn. First-rate all the way.

Thanks for the kudos.

Excellent job, and I'm glad that the rest of the interviews will be in the program & not just a copy of what's online. Good job Bill! :headbang:

Many thanks J-Dubya! And thanks for the comment on my interview site. You were the first poster over there!

I'm editing Nick van Dyk (Redemption), David DeFeis Virgin Steele), Floor Jansen (After Forever), and Oddleif Stensland (Communic) this weekend. It's fun to read what we talked about. I can't wait to post them all...


both interviews were great. I really admire how well the Threshold camp is handling the "Mac" situation. I've been in similar positions before and can honestly say that I don't have nearly as much patience or reserve as they are showing with this.

I'd also like to add that I like Freak Kitchen, but they certainly aren't one of my "top tier" kind of bands and they aren't a band I'd go too far out of my way for. That being said, Mattias has got to be one of the coolest people out there. Beyond being an inspiring guitar player, he's just a downright good guy. I'd love to just BS with him over a couple of cases of beer for a few hours:headbang: