INTO ETERNITY-The Incurable Tragedy CD

The Scattering of Ashes was a strong contender for worst kick drum tone I've ever heard on a finished album; what I've heard of this was marginally better but nothing I'd go nuts over.
The Scattering of Ashes was a strong contender for worst kick drum tone I've ever heard on a finished album; what I've heard of this was marginally better but nothing I'd go nuts over.

wow thankyou for saying this. The Kick drum fucks the whole album.

The new one is way better. Songwring, hooks, production its all there. The band sounds extra tight. I love this album.
wow thankyou for saying this. The Kick drum fucks the whole album.

The new one is way better. Songwring, hooks, production its all there. The band sounds extra tight. I love this album.

I'll have to give the new one more of a chance, I'm glad to hear they fixed the 'click, click, click' drum tone though. I've heard demos and albums with programmed drums that sounded immeasurably better than the drums on Scattering. :lol:
Great news for those of you who are like me and frankly, can't stand Stu Block's voice.

They've replaced him and decided to rerecord The Incurable Tragedy!


Hope this gives them a fresh new sound! :kickass:
Great news for those of you who are like me and frankly, can't stand Stu Block's voice.

They've replaced him and decided to rerecord The Incurable Tragedy!


Hope this gives them a fresh new sound! :kickass:

While I'll agree it would be rather interesting to hear Jorn sing for Into Eternity, I have to admit I actually do like Stu's voice (although I can understand why others wouldn't).
Has anyone here bought a copy of this album since the last post on this thread? If so, how do you like the new material?

1) Too damn short. Seriously, two intro/outro tracks, and a ballad, and the whole album doesn't top 40 minutes.
2) To samey. Sounds like everything else they have done.
3) "Diagnosis Terminal" rocks! Great tune!

If this was the first IE album I had heard, I would probably enjoy it as much as I do "Buried in Oblivion". However, its not. Its good, but nothing new or amazing.