Into the Abyss


Oct 2, 2004
Ontario, Canada (eh)
Hey, I was wondering if anyone here knows what the status is with Tagtgren and Abyss studios. Does he still use it? Is it completely shut down? Does he use it for his own bands exclusively? I've read that he closed it down for good but then i saw that a couple of bands have recorded there fairly recently.....Could anyone shed light on this situation?
Yeh but now Hes taking it very easy with stuff He really likes and not doing it for every shitty band with money to afford his skills as a producer and yeh his brother and maybe Lars Szoke are still working there
Yeah, it's still in use. Dimmu Borgir and Celtic Frost just recorded there.

However, he's only producing bands that he knows, or has friends in. His brother Tommy Tagtgren handles the rest, I think.
peter felt pissed, because everyone wanted to record an album at the abyss studios just because it was "cool" to do it. so yes, he only opens its doors for friends.