Intro song


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Hey, I'm in the process of writing a big-ish sounding intro song for coming on stage to (I know it's a cliché but oh well :lol:). Just thought I'd post it up here and ask for advice before I got really far into it and made loads of silly mistakes.

I've recently (yesterday) recieved the Eastwest Symphonic Orchestra plugin and I'm just getting to grips with everything. I love the sounds, and as soon as I've recovered from this financially crippling purchase (I'm poor) I'm thinking of getting the symphonic choirs as well, anyone used 'em?

Anyway, back on topic, this is my first attempt at using this plug, so any advice on what I can do to make everything sound better would be great. Also I've never really written for these type of instruments before, so I kinda just made shite up as I went along :p so anything that sounds wrong instrumentally would be nice to know too!

I love it, maybe a bit of acoustic guitar to start the whole thing off would be cool. It sounds like a mix of Tim Burton and a Horror movie!

Can't wait for the finished thing :)
Haha, cheers man, yeah I'm thinking it might be a bit too busy, especially as it doesn't leave me with very far to go after the big build up bit in the middle... Thankyou for the nice comments :)

Dont touch anything!! Its great :kickass: :OMG:
Dont touch anything!! Its great :kickass: :OMG:

Haha, cheers dude :heh: I find this kinda thing difficult as I don't really have any experience with writing for these instruments, so I dunno if anything i'm doing is stupid/impossible.

I'll post up a slightly updated version in a few days.

I'd still appreciate advice if anyone has any more to give!
