Home almost commercial quality (???) metal recordings if you want to check out

Interesting, the name Vinnie Moore rings a bell so i checked him out then found out he was in UFO which is awesome :)
I get what you mean with the proggy spacey kinda vibe, altho do you have a particular song which First Contact reminds you of from him? I checked out his myspace but it's mostly just soloing? Would be really interested to hear his more proggy material.

As for the drums I agree definitely... I'm not keen on the kick at all, I originally tried to EQ it a lot to try and get it sounding like those triggered album drums when i realized i couldn't get it like that I just made it cut through the mix as it was fairly buried before. The snare has a weird ping to it which i don't really know how to fix, toms are too fake sounding IMO and cymbals too weak and not enough punch.

Bass i wish i would of gotten sounding really powerful but at end i settled for clarity than punch as i'm always weary of bass frequencies, which can totally ruin the mix if not properly monitored in the right room, speakers etc..
hahaha no probs :)

Thanks man, yeah i initially wasn't too keen on the GSP1101 as it sounded i don't know?... kinda steriile is prob the best way i can describe it??
So of course i had to resort to using a shitload of plug ins (lol) specially impulse responses which cleaned it up and made it sound less digital to a degree.
these songs are awesome ,your mixes are not commercial quality yet ,if you want,, you should post the raw files after you get vocs done so the nice people on here can have a go at it..
more than likely you will get many mixes that you will like ..and will be commercial qualitly !!

regardless good stuff man .. i enjoyed listening !!!

My Band - www.myspace.com/punishthemmetal - Melodic Thrash Metal

Thanks dude :) It's mostly just a demo to get our band out there and help us find the singer.

I'd definitely be interested in doing vocals, however I'm not awesome with lyrics.

Some 2 year old samples of what I can do www.myspace.com/gravedemise

If you (or anyone else) wants my style on some tracks give me a shout lithegian@hotmail.com

EDIT: I see your tracks are downloadable, I'll take first contact and give it a shot with my own lyrics.
Hey Nazarene: Are you planning on moving to Sydney? I saw from your myspace that you were in Canada? Great vocals btw
Thanks Brady for taking the time to listen!
When you were talking about raw files do you mean like clean d.i's of everything etc..? so that you guys can have a go at re-amping and that kind of thing?
I've done the best I can with the plug in's i have available but after hearing quite few demos around this forum it's definitely lacking size/bass and the guitars overall are too fuzzy for my liking.

DWdrums: hahah yeah i like those first few comments on our myspace too :p