introducing myself


Dec 21, 2001
Hello. My name is Anders. I live and work in Bern, Switzerland as a weaver of baskets. This occupation is not my first choice by any means. However, it was a struggle to find an occupation for while I healed from an accident suffered while re-enacting a viking battle.
Oddly enough, I first found Amon Amarth while in New Jersey a while back visiting my cousin. Since then, they have grown to be my favorite metal band of all time.

Hey welcome. Yah battle related injuries can be a real bitch, much like when I got an inner bleeding in my eye due to a physical confrontation with a skinhead during a Koldborn gig. Hah...
Welcome mate, nice to have another Viking re-enactor here :)
(I think that makes...two :p)

Anyway, I got injured today too...
During re-enactment training...charged down a hill together with my berzerker buddy (;)) and into a clinch of 7-8 people, I killed three, and when I pushed the last "dead" guy aside, I ran right into one of the girls in the group, who was using a spear...
I was'nt careful enough and got a really hard thrust from the spear in my underarm, the arm went numb at once and I dropped the sword...
I was taken good care of though, and instantly got an icebag, that I put on my arm, and then I sat there watching for two hours with the icebag on my arm :p

Still hurts like hell, and I think its starting to swell up...well, guess I wont have to write much in school tomorrow ;)

Once again welcome mate!
Aggressor said:
Welcome mate, nice to have another Viking re-enactor here :)
(I think that makes...two :p)

Anyway, I got injured today too...
During re-enactment training...charged down a hill together with my berzerker buddy (;)) and into a clinch of 7-8 people, I killed three, and when I pushed the last "dead" guy aside, I ran right into one of the girls in the group, who was using a spear...
I was'nt careful enough and got a really hard thrust from the spear in my underarm, the arm went numb at once and I dropped the sword...
I was taken good care of though, and instantly got an icebag, that I put on my arm, and then I sat there watching for two hours with the icebag on my arm :p

Still hurts like hell, and I think its starting to swell up...well, guess I wont have to write much in school tomorrow ;)

Sounds fucking interesting this re-enactment fighting-thing. Perhaps I should give it a try:rolleyes:
Eisbär said:
Sounds fucking interesting this re-enactment fighting-thing. Perhaps I should give it a try:rolleyes:

Indeed I think you should...
I must say that Ive had alot of fun while fighting, a couple of injuries as well though, but injuries arent half as common as it is, in lets say soccer...
As people usually know what they are if you meet an archer on the battlefield, you can be sure he's good, and will only hit you in the designated hit-zones.
But, of course an archer can be fixed with a nice big shield, accompanied by a berzerker charge ;)

As far as I know re-enactment fighting is pretty big in finding a group to fight with shouldnt be to much of a problem...
Relating to simulated combat.... My roomates and I went out and bought softair guns and set up fortresses in our apartment and had a battle last night. It was the most fun ever, the airsoft guns leave small welts similar to a paintball so you it matters when you get hit.
welcome to you Anders :)

this is my first visit om Um forums since 28 february 2002 ..:erk: i thought i would introducing myself like anders did.... though i have not suffered a Viking injury ;D

I work at Volvo here in Sweden as a sheet-metal worker (bil - plåtslagare in swedish)..which is great fun...planing to be a DentMaster in the future ;) ..anyway, I looked for a metalforum on the net, and Um came cross my mind, though it was some time a was here last time.
I love Amon Amarth.. and their can i not, living in Sweden and all ;)

Tjena du....nice to see another one in the same buisness around here! I'm taking a blacksmith education myself, you see.
My injury was rather embarassing. I had just acquired a new axe because my friend's child had ruined the blade on the old one by using it to dig up rocks and other things while his mother was watching him by reading a pornographic magazine. This happened two days before my first re-enactment.
I scrambled to find a means of repairing it but failed and had to borrow the one belonging to the child's father. While taking a practice swing, I had forgotten that he was not as strong as me in the upperbody and went to hoist it as I did my own. The force caused me to stumble back a step and trip over a bench in the yard, loosing my grip even more. It went flying. It came down. I wished I was American so I would sue my friend's dumb idiot stupid wife without thinking of my friend.

kleo706 said:
My injury was rather embarassing. I had just acquired a new axe because my friend's child had ruined the blade on the old one by using it to dig up rocks and other things while his mother was watching him by reading a pornographic magazine. This happened two days before my first re-enactment.
I scrambled to find a means of repairing it but failed and had to borrow the one belonging to the child's father. While taking a practice swing, I had forgotten that he was not as strong as me in the upperbody and went to hoist it as I did my own. The force caused me to stumble back a step and trip over a bench in the yard, loosing my grip even more. It went flying. It came down. I wished I was American so I would sue my friend's dumb idiot stupid wife without thinking of my friend.


Haha, I have a couple of those embarassing injuries too...
During a training weekend in February, we were fighting in the forrest, there was snow, and ice of course, and I was in a clinch with two swedes...
I was using a longsword at the time, and as I took a step back, I slipped, fell on a root and since I had the sword in a guard position I managed to hit myself in the face with it...
I can tell you it hurt like hell, because the longsword I was using is heavy as hell, it weighs close to 3 kg, a good longsword weighs in at about 1,5 kg...