

Feb 19, 2006
Hey guys!

This is my first post on this awesome forum! :headbang:
Great to see and hear things that I can use to improve my own recording skills.

I've been recording bands for a while but I've never really been satisfied with the results so far. Until I started to read the posts in this forum.

Check out the link and let me know what you think!

It's a local band I recorded last weekend. Some specs:

Drums: Pearl export series with Omar Hakim signature snare.
No samples on toms or snare just a ddrum4 sample on the kicks. Snare and toms gated w transducer signals using waves C1. Transducer signals mixed with the source as well for maximum attack.
Left guitar: Jackson w EMG81 - TS808 into Carvin MTS3200
Right guitar: BCRich w seymour duncan - TS808 into ENGL fireball (Love it!!)
I Used the Fredman mike technique!
Bass: Ibz Soundgear, Sansamp DI mixed w miked 4x10 hartke cab. Sennh MD441
Vocs: AKG C414 B XLS
Did a quick mastering w multiband comp and a softlimiter as well.


Track 2
That meant "where is it?" I have to agree. I didn't hear the bass guitar at all, but I did hear a very muddy low end. The whole mix in general sounds as if it was recorded with a blanket between the speaker and the mic. I would try to compress some of the low-mids of the guitars and bring the drums down. The vox are also very high and could be brought down. For mixing the bass, it may be helpful to mix a DI track, if you have one. I've noticed that helps to bring note definition to my parts.

Also, set up a high pass and low pass on the final master chain to help tame the subharmonics (low end) and noisy fizz (high end).
Thanks guys,

I'll have another try...

I already took out some low/mids from the guitars but maybe they need some brightening as well. I'll check out the Basher's :kickass: post about treating guitars and see what it brings. Vocals are definately too loud, I agree.

I guess another big problem is my mastering capability, or to put it better: uncapability :cry:
I basicaly used it to get a reasonable volume instead of using it to balance the lows-mids-highs etc. simply because I don't have the room/speakers...
Maybe some day :Smug: ...

So here goes...

Played with the guitars eq a little.
Raised the bass guitar's level. Though I noticed the playing is a little sloppy now and then. Finger style but nowhere near to Alex Webster:loco:
Lowered the voice.
Brightened the OH's
Did a high/low pass in the mastering stage.
Appreciate to hear anyone's comments!!

Track 2B
