Invection - Derealization free download!


Jun 27, 2004
I posted "Demented Perception" here last time and I really would like to hear what you guys think about our new EP so I have it here for free download

If you could give any feedback at all that'd be awesome, we've progressed a lot but we're not sure what people other than ourselves think of it so it'd be really cool to hear outside opinion! If you could listen to the whole thing that'd be awesome, there's a ton of different styles and things going on so it's hard to judge it by just the first track which I know some people do (hell i even do it myself sometimes by accident haha!)

here's the art:

Thanks again for another freebie. I enjoy the debut EP a lot, looking forward for new material so now it's the chance.

Will post feedback as soon as I can download it (the free sever is at full capacity, I'm so cheap :lol: ) and check it.
damn that sucks sendspace is doing the free capacity crap now, I've been using them for the past couple months just because I thought they didn't pull that haha! Yeah I'd love to hear what you think since it's fairly different from our old EP, so far the reactions have been good even though it's different so I hope you like it and if you don't any feedback would be appreciated too.
damn that sucks sendspace is doing the free capacity crap now,

Don't sweat I made it :D

Yeah I'd love to hear what you think since it's fairly different from our old EP, so far the reactions have been good even though it's different so I hope you like it and if you don't any feedback would be appreciated too.

'Derealization': The vocals are definitively more aggressive than I recall and the drumming is insane. The outro solo is exactly what I look in thrash: the song can be aggressive, fast, powerful but the melody and the architecture of the guitar playing is not noise, it comes from a good player. The change at 2:59 it's great, that's the hook for me.

'Stuned Survival': interesting short intro, again th solo between 2:47 and 3:25 gives the hook for me.

'Demented Perception': great change at 1:17, the chorus sounds a bit low for me. It would have worked better for me with a DEMENTED PERCEPTION!, another nice instrumental outro work.

'Noetic Affliction': good in-your-face start, I like the change of pace in the vocal segments, I would have left the bass playing at 2:52 a bit longer to spice ths song, like too the change in guitars at 3:11 very melodic and I personally would have extended it too. Then of course the jewel of the crown is the 3:46 change in the outro.

Overall feedback (and this of course take it from a common listener, not a musician):

  • the band have a cohesive sound on all songs which is good, but maybe some diversification will work too. All songs end with a nice instrumental work outro, have you consider the old: intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/solo/chorus/outro structure (or similar)?
  • the vocals are aggressive but not harsh which in my case is good since it doesn't push the envelope to my threshold of tolerance
  • it's obvious that you all can play good, have you thought about sacrifice some speed for a more melodic work to show your skills, or you feel confortable with the actual aproach?
The band is definitively old school heavy as hell thrash, for those who haven't listened to the debut EP this new one will appeal definitively fans of Slayer, Dark Angel and so, as well as broad thrash fans.

Thanks for sharing it with us :kickass:
wow thanks that's some great feedback! it's cool to hear more than just good or bad especially your thing about having the outro. We're actually writing new stuff right now and while some of the songs are different they do tend to rely on our same formula so we'll definitely try to change it up. thanks again and I'm glad you like it!
thanks again and I'm glad you like it!

No, thanks to YOU for coming here and share your hard work (and your bandmates) for free with us.

And yes I do like the music. Keep it coming and we keep it listening and supporting.
Sorry for the huge bump but it's been a while and both are out and have been getting great feedback so we're offering a collection of both of them for free download! you can get them here if you don't have them already:

We're going to have a new layout later this week to celebrate the fact that we're finally getting hard copies of the "Derealization" EP! Starting next week we'll have full hard copies with cd front, back and disc art, a full jewel case (not a crappy slim cd-r), bar code and side design. If you enjoyed "Derealization" and want to have a full copy to have the full atmosphere and perfect cd quality we'll have them next week and then it'll be available from other online distros too in a little while (including most likely Stormspell who sold Demented Perception, not sure when or if they'll for sure have it in stock but I'm pretty sure they will sometime soon).

In other news for those of you who like our material we'll be recording a full length album this early to late August and will be shopping to labels to try to get a full worldwide and big release. We're financing it ourselves so we can have full control over it and not have to deal with a label in that regard (lots of work and which is why we're doing it summer because the cost will be absolutely insane, about what we spent on all our EP's combined plus a bit more; this'll be the first release we believe to have no flaws and spend all our time making absolutely perfect) and we'll be recording for multiple weeks, in 2 studios, having it mastered by a very respected and experienced person whos mastered a ton of great albums, art from a very talented artist (haven't communicated yet so can't confirm anything) and will have 10 or 11 songs (1 from world plague, 2 from demented and 2 from derealization; all reworked/rerecorded much better). Keep checking our myspace page and official forum as we'll be posting more info as we know it (we're currently rehearsing the new songs) and then once we're in the studio will be posting video studio diaries.

Thanks for listening if you either had in the past or are just now and I really hope you guys enjoy the music and if you do I'm sure our album will definitely meet your expectations!
and will have 10 or 11 songs (1 from world plague, 2 from demented and 2 from derealization; all reworked/rerecorded much better). Keep checking our myspace page and official forum

Yeah, I read it on MySpace. I'm looking forward for the album indeed.