Invection new album videos!


Jun 27, 2004
I posted our EP's here a while back and we're almost done with our new album so I figured I'd post here in case anyone was interested.

We're coming out with a new album late this fall called "Facet Of Aberration", it'll be our first full length with 10 songs. It was recorded over about 3 weeks at Studio SQ in San Francisco and Panda Studios in Fremont and artwork is being done again by Dan Seagrave. We're still talking to labels to decide who to release it on but it's coming along great so far; we have videos of us recording the album on our official Youtube channel.

If you want to hear some samples of new songs check out the 2nd and 3rd video; they both have samples of new songs (the 2nd has really rough mix mp3's that I overdubbed over the drum recording and the 3rd has me recording guitars so you can basically hear a lot of the tracks in their full form even though its not an mp3 overdubbed.

hope you guys like them! also if anyone wants our previous EP's I can post them for anyone who didn't get a chance to hear them. Any feedback on the band or anything is really appreciated and I hope you guys check out the new cd when it's out (I basically put my entire life into it for the past 5 months)!
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Nice! glad to hear you guys like the stuff; we're playing this Friday at the Gilman with Hatchet and we're also opening for Suffocation in Pomona on October 30th. If any of you guys live around where you could come to the Suffocation show we're giving out free tickets for people who show up to our set as well as free shirts and cd's (we're going to be filming the set for a youtube commercial for our new album so we definitely want to get people raging!)
here's the flier and you can hit us up on myspace or send me a pm if you want a ticket