Invisible: Release/distribution in Germany??

Magic Child

Aug 28, 2003
Visit site
I would be interested if anyone from Germany already could get the new Nightingale album? No record store has it in its shelves (the whole week), but what's even worse, no store lists the album in their online catalogues, so for them the album does not exist! This is very rare, even albums, which are hard to get, are at least listed in the catalogues. Is their no distribution for Germany yet, or a different release date? The last Nightingale was hard to get (I think I ordered it from a mailorder back then), and "Crimson II" was not delivered to the stores a long time, but this time it seems to be even worse... :-(
Thanks for any help or information!
I ordered mine from black mark ... got it today ... just listening the first time ... GREAT !!!
Media Markt didnt have them in their order system (strange .. german distributor is soulfood afaik)

hope you get the cd soon coz it rokkz !!!
Joyful Sorrow said:
I ordered mine from black mark ... got it today ... just listening the first time ... GREAT !!!
Media Markt didnt have them in their order system (strange .. german distributor is soulfood afaik)

hope you get the cd soon coz it rokkz !!!

I asked Soulfood, it will be released in January in Germany... I think, I will try to order it now.
But in my opinion, this is a real bad situation for the band, and Dan, because it's the same with each of his releases (except from other record companies like Bloodbath). You have advertising, you have reviews in magazines, and so on, but the albums are not in the stores for some months. When it will be finally available, it will be not present anymore in the magazines :-( Doesn't matter for me, I will buy it anyway, but I would like to see that the band is supported much better, or at least in a normal way.
Magic Child:

CD is available at both (as mentioned) and also
so I don´t really understand your problem? Silentwatcher gave you the answer already. It´s not on, that´s correct, but it´s not like you couldn´t get it in Germany.
fireangel said:
Magic Child:

CD is available at both (as mentioned) and also
so I don´t really understand your problem? Silentwatcher gave you the answer already. It´s not on, that´s correct, but it´s not like you couldn´t get it in Germany.

Sorry, you got me wrong, maybe I was not clear. I don't have a problem, because I will get the album in some way. It's available per mailorder, that's ok for me.
I only wanted to say, that I think that Nightingale and Dan deserve a better planned marketing/distribution/strategy, or whatever, from the record company and distributor. An album has to be in the stores at the right time, that's an important factor for a release. It is the same, for example, if you send a band on tour, but the album is not in the stores at the same time. Even if it's available per mailorder, it's also important to have an album in the "real" stores.
And as this was not the first time that a release was not available, I just wanted to express this, but no problem for me ;-)
Thanks for the info, bye!
well.. yeah. I see now what you mean.
Since Nightingale tour Europe in spring, Soulfood might have a point in releasing it later ;)

(it´s not all logic, though....)