More album distribution news


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I've posted some info over at our site concerning release dates from some countries. I was talking with our label manager last night and it seems that where there are distribution and licensing deals in place for the album there will be a slight delay in the release. This is primarily due to the distributors wanting to see the album reviews in the metal press BEFORE they make the album available. Of course this won't be an issue in places like Germany and Spain.

I'll be keeping this thread as up to date as and when I get any more info.

We'll also be appearing on the next sampler CD from Arise Records in Spain. I believe the track to be included will be the fully mastered version of "Far Away"

Over and out!:Smokin:
The competition winners will be drawn out of the hat by Andy over at Total Metal on October 14th. He'll let me know the winners and we'll go from there.

Well...Italy and the UK look like being during November, I'm not if there will be a delay for you guys in the US or not. I'll keep you'll be available to buy online though for sure.

Hope this helps dude!

You can email the dudes at Sentinel Steel. Here's their website addy
Yeah, that'll make up for it! :grin: I was a tad miffed to see the release here put back til November. Seems that there's nothing than can be released on time these days! You know I was buzzing round the local collector's shops again on Monday looking for Yu-Gi-Oh cards?! Supposed to be out on the 23rd but NO not til the end of the month...bloody typical! :spin:

Don't suppose it'd be possible for us UK peeps to make a blagger for this Arise Records CD, perchance?
Again 1001 apologies about the delays for a few territories. The album will be out in Germany and Spain etc on 14/10 so it should be available at online stores like

Some distributors like to see how reviews and stuff go in magazines before they release albums, especially with new, unproven bands like ourselves.

I figured a new mp3 would go some way to making up for it...hope so at any rate.

I'll ask our label how to get our hand on the CD sampler thingy too.