Invocator - Through The Flesh To The Soul
2003 - Scarlet Records
By Philip Whitehouse
Recognise the name? Thrash fans certainly will - Invocator have been treading the boards since 1989, releasing their debut album in 1991 and then, after two more well-recieved slices of punishing thrash, disbanding in 1995. After seven years of absence - in which vocalist/guitarist Jacob Hanson became one of Denmark's most respected producers, working with bands such as Mnemic - Invocator have reformed and returned with their fourth full-length album.
So, what do the boys sound like after seven years in the wilderness? Well, they've obviously taken some notice of what's been going on around them, and rather than re-hashing their old sound, they've developed and incorporated elements of more modern music into their thrash metal assault. Consider a sort of mix of The Haunted, Overkill and Dew-Scented and you're getting close to the type of high-speed, melodic, aggressive metal on offer here. There are some near-power metal choruses on offer here too, as in tracks like 'There Is No Saviour', and distorted vocals turn up from time to time too. Invocator haven't wimped out at all though - they've delivered a convincing mix of old-school aggressive thrash with more modern melodic thrash tendencies.
The riffs are memorable and suitably savage, the solos suitably impressive, and the production is absolutely flawless - chunky, powerful and clear. Overall, this is an impressive and welcome return for Invocator - hope they decide to stick around a bit longer this time!
Go to the Scarlet Records website.
2003 - Scarlet Records
By Philip Whitehouse

Recognise the name? Thrash fans certainly will - Invocator have been treading the boards since 1989, releasing their debut album in 1991 and then, after two more well-recieved slices of punishing thrash, disbanding in 1995. After seven years of absence - in which vocalist/guitarist Jacob Hanson became one of Denmark's most respected producers, working with bands such as Mnemic - Invocator have reformed and returned with their fourth full-length album.
So, what do the boys sound like after seven years in the wilderness? Well, they've obviously taken some notice of what's been going on around them, and rather than re-hashing their old sound, they've developed and incorporated elements of more modern music into their thrash metal assault. Consider a sort of mix of The Haunted, Overkill and Dew-Scented and you're getting close to the type of high-speed, melodic, aggressive metal on offer here. There are some near-power metal choruses on offer here too, as in tracks like 'There Is No Saviour', and distorted vocals turn up from time to time too. Invocator haven't wimped out at all though - they've delivered a convincing mix of old-school aggressive thrash with more modern melodic thrash tendencies.
The riffs are memorable and suitably savage, the solos suitably impressive, and the production is absolutely flawless - chunky, powerful and clear. Overall, this is an impressive and welcome return for Invocator - hope they decide to stick around a bit longer this time!
Go to the Scarlet Records website.