iPhone Voice Band


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
That app is Fin great for ideas on the road! :worship:

I thought he was going to sing a ramones song, just realized it was "fly away" after he started singing.
He needs that auto tune app too, hahaha
Sweet ass bass line. :)

And was the snare panned to the right? :O

Other than that, this is sweet. A little ridiculous looking while doing it, but hey!:headbang:
Im buying that shit right now...i usually record myself humming or whistling and tapping so i dont forget the ideas but i usually end up forgetting wtf instrument i was pretendin to be at the moment....this app is the coolest thing since sliced bread for me
Don't get excited yet. It does not work so hot. Here, I'll just paste the review I left on iTunes:

Could be fun, but needs work - 3 stars (ok)

I have a difficult time recording anything with this app since the drums are so glitchy. A slight wiggle of the phone will cause a drum trigger. It's way too sensitive- there should be a way for us to adjust that.

Even setting the dial to kick only or snare only - it's still near impossible to lay down a glitch-free track. The sample will cut itself off with SILENCE if a butterfly flaps his wings after your intended hit. A new hit should never cancel the prior. This happens over and over again until I eventually don't feel like using the app anymore. Perhaps a simple drum step squencer would be less maddening? The drum samples do sound good- if only I could record them without glitching.

The guitars also suffer from this same cutoff glitch. The mic hears some other miscellaneous noise (even though my mouth is right in front of the mic) and it just drops the previous sample. Not very fun when you are 8 bars in.

Yet another thing that blows: THE UNDO BUTTON IS RIGHT NEXT TO THE RECORD BUTTON. There will be times when you will destroy a recording that you just spent 20 minutes trying to make. NOT FUN. Why not more undos instead of just one?

The best way to use this app is to just use the "mic" setting and overlay your ideas with that. That seems to work fine with no glitches. The rest of the app needs some work. I really hope they do an update.
sounds good to remember anyway though...IF it works right. but i guess you need some experience to use that...and doing grindcore stuff could be quite difficult :rofl:
I figured out, that you can change the auto shifter to a a certain key. my posting was "chromatic" and since I cannot hit notes with my voice ... but drum still suck. if you breath during performance you have two kicks popping up!