ipod Appreciate thread...


Jul 31, 2005
Las Vegas
Yes I know this is a weird topic but I recently not too long ago purchased a 30 gig ipod for $270 but I must say it is one of the best investments i have ever made.

Reasons why the ipod is a good investment?

- If your someone who owns a shitload of metal albums (like myself) then it beats flipping through cd after cd or dvd after dvd . (yes ipods can hold dvd's too now!)

- It is easier to find an album you want to listen to and it beats having to look for that cd in case you lost it or let a friend borrow it .

- It is especially good for on a roadtrip in the car rather then carrying a big ol cd case or having to switch cd's while driving.

- You can create your own setlists to play only songs you want.

- It runs on a self battery that is rechargeable.
speaking of iPod's...did anyone else notice that you could buy one from the vending machine at the Residence? It was right next to the condoms and breath mints.

ah, what a long way technology has come. lol
I'm just happy I got a rental car this year that has the aux jack. I left my CDs in my car and all I had was my iPod and conveniently, my aux cord. :D Needless to say, the poor guys with me were only subjected to my lame music and not that on the radio....though, now I'm wondering when the classic rock station became the ghetto station at night....
I love my 30Gb iPod as well. it has been playing the 5 Freak Kitchen cds on it today.
First year with an iPod and I loved it. Only one downfall, I couldn't play any of the cd's I bought at the fest until I got home. Was there a computer at any of the hotels with iTunes loaded?
ipod's freaking rock, I've had one for about a year now, I absolutely LOVE IT!
just finally got a new one with Video capabilities.....

IN FACT.....I've just got this great idea..... to do a VIDEO IPOD giveaway at Nightmare,
so keep your eye's open on the forum for a post regarding this it'll be a drawing I'll run in Oct, where all people that buy over 5 cd's or more each month until the end of the year will be entered into the contest..... Drawings will be held each month, So common over and buy some goodies when OCT starts! You could be the proud new owner of a 30 GIG - Video Ipod!
We'll give one away each month (OCT. NOV. & DEC)

Let's face it, your odd's are exceptionally good as compared with other drawings or the lottery ; )
Giving away Ipods is a great idea...BUT....what about the people that bought a shitload of stuff already at the Nightmare table? I dont think you can make 12-20 more cds by the end of the year that I want.I purchased 17 cds at the nightmare table...34 total,along with 4 shirts from nightmare...11 total. My wife wants me to be more in control next time around,but I save up all year for ProgPower so I can go a little crazy.
Man its hard to keep a budget when everything is right there in front of you.I love Atlanta in September.
I've had over 10 friends with Ipods over the last 6 months that have completely crashed....so I will gladly stick to cd's. no booklets on Ipods, LOL
The_Q said:
I've had over 10 friends with Ipods over the last 6 months that have completely crashed....so I will gladly stick to cd's. no booklets on Ipods, LOL
almost 9 full months on my iPod and no problems and i listen to mine all day at work.
scottie2024 said:
Creative > Apple

Generally, I think it's more like this: $Creative < $Apple

They may cost less, but from what I've seen/heard, the integration with the music stores aren't nearly as good, syncing with the computer isn't as good, and the Creative units aren't nearly as slick and easy-to-use. Oh, and by comparison to either AAC or MP3, Windows Media sucks balls.

Let's face it...Apple was *not* the first one to market with an MP3 player. I'm pretty sure Creative was there before Apple, so they had the "first-to-market" advantage over Apple (at least with flash players). The iPod's are generally a little more expensive (worth it IMO), so Creative has the "I'm cheaper" advantage.

So why do people still buy iPod's over Creative's (and everyone else's) units?

1) iPod's are "slicker/cooler", better-designed, and easier to use.
2) Integration with iTunes is better than the competitor's equivalent
3) For a change, Apple has had better marketing. (you might call it hype) :)

I'm on my 5th MP3 player (3 of them iPods...1st gen 10GB, 5th gen 30GB, and 512MB Shuffle for exercising....all still work well), and I wouldn't trade ANY of the iPods for ten of the other two. But that's my opinion...your mileage may vary. :)

The_Q said:
I've had over 10 friends with Ipods over the last 6 months that have completely crashed....so I will gladly stick to cd's. no booklets on Ipods, LOL

They must have abused the hell out of them. My 10GB (1st generation) has been dropped, used in the gym (until I got a Shuffle), sat on, etc, and still works as well as the day I bought it. The battery doesn't last as long as it used to, but that's going to be true of ANY player with a rechargable battery....and after 5+ years of constant use, I'm actually pretty pleased to still get 3 hours play time out of it.

One of the problems with the iPods getting smaller and smaller is that it tempts people to carry them in their pockets, so every time you sit down or raise your leg high (ie. taking steps 2 at a time, which I constantly do), you're putting pressure on the iPod, almost bending it. That's not a good think for electrical devices...especially ones where clearances between parts are tiny (because of them being so small).

I'd bet that if so many of your friends' iPods have crashed, at least half of them were doing that with them or otherwise being a little rough with them (frequently dropping, etc). I know a lot of people who have them, and only know one person who's had a problem with theirs.
