IQ tests


Aug 2, 2002
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how relevant/useful/accurate do you think these are? i am not talking about the fake-internet ones, but rather the stan.-b. tests that have administrators and stuff and proctors and what not. i mean, what is the point of these?
i feel like they don't mean shit. frankly.
they measure a very specific kind of cognition. the problem with IQ tests come from people who take an immoderate approach, either by acting like IQ tests are all-powerful final arbiters, or completely fake/worthless.

i think they have to be taken for what they're worth, and combined with a large number of other facts. otherwise they're worse than useless--they're harmful.
yea i just kind of feel like they only really indicate whether a person has good problem solving skills in a very constricted area.
right. which can be good to know! but it doesn't mean that you're going to be the best and most responsible lawyer, for example.

i think one good use for them is showing people where they might possess a strength or a weakness, so they can learn to compensate for or play up that area. (that specific sort of reasoning/problem solving)
greg, like the 'real' ones are several hours long and specially administered. usually to like little kids or for psych classes or something. i think they mean jack crap.