
one time i went crazy and i didnt sleep or shower for hmmm about 7.5 days and i didnt eat for like 10. that was like, in november! i am a loser :(
but still! my roommate was like "HOW CAN YOU NOT STINK BY NOW?' i am the scentless apprentice i think.
trust me, you dont want to be like me.

anyway, my dad is like, a stone mason and he works out in the sun for hours (like 12!) in the summer on a roof and hardly sweats and is never smelly. he always told me eating factory farm meat and food preservatives makes you stink.
also, my dad may just be like, the living embalmed dead since he drinks so much. either way, i dont think we're good role models.

azal, do you have long hair?
If I didn't have to go to a recruiting agency today I wouldn't have showered in 3 days. I was starting to feel a little dirty though. I couldn't touch my hair and then try to play guitar because my hands would be all greasy. I think I'm going to try to shower at least every other day.