your fuckin ass

Nik we got two big ol aircraft carriers over there right now... Iran is playing a seriously fucked up game,,,and their people are ashamed of it.

The people want the issues at home fixed more than anything like their economy and the basic simple things we want...most of them want religious freedom and freedom in general but their government doesn't want to allow it.

its the government stupid...typical islamic way.

we need those old mickey mouse shirts flipping off the ayatollah. :D

I'm slowly boiling away at these camel shagging cunts!!!!!!!
Just got a feeling in might kick-off over this.....

Don't worry, Nik. Your Queen was a lovely teenage lass when the Royal Army previously stomped all over Iran, forcibly occupying most of the country (right after crushing Iraq without much opposition).

I doubt your boys would have much difficulty throwing the Union Jack over Bushire for the third time in a century!

The people want the issues at home fixed more than anything like their economy and the basic simple things we want...most of them want religious freedom and freedom in general but their government doesn't want to allow it.


I have a friend that grew up in Iran he said that alcohol is illegal..but alot of his parents friends have distilleries in their basement......:kickass:
Iran is a two-face lyin pile of shit country. Praising peace to the UN and stirring shit up back home against everybody. The fucked up thing is that the Arab nations are starting to unite and all preaching the same bullshit about the invasion of Iraq. The king of Saudi Arabia just said the US was in Iraq that's some shit if all those goat fuckers start blaming everyone else but themselves for the shit that's goin on in their country.
So that grimy little fucker released those 15 British sailors today, with all of the pomp and circumstance one expects from a two-bit dictator.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said the release came as a "profound relief".

He did not thank or address the Iranian president, but said to the Iranian people: "We bear you no ill will. We respect Iran as an ancient civilisation.

Oh, I do too. I respect the Iranian civilization the way I regard Susa and Persepolis: It looks best as a ruin!

Blair should launch a thank you note to the supreme revolutionary council....



Here-here! I second the motion to light Iran up like Christmas. However, I worry that it would allign the entire arab world against the rest of the world. Then again, I am not so sure that is a bad thing.
Here-here! I second the motion to light Iran up like Christmas. However, I worry that it would allign the entire arab world against the rest of the world. Then again, I am not so sure that is a bad thing.

I dont think Arabs give a rats ass about Persians..with the exception of Syria...and would probably like to see them out of the picture....
yea the persians - shiites arent liked by the sunni arabs in general.

but you know who really holds the power here...its all the gun toting religious clerics.

they are the ones with the real power. they are the ones that lead the masses