
IRC chat rooms are usualy boring and don't have much conversation with them anyway. Unless you have an organized group and set times to meet, IRC chatting sucks mostly.
You probably don't know because I've never told anyone, but there's an #Opeth channel on (UM's IRC server). I own it actually. You guys are all welcome..
I also own #Opeth on GRNet ( / and there are some ppl in there usually..
@Opethfan1980: You can't download music from just anywhere on IRC. There are special channels with special bots for that job. You should try undernet (/server
IRC was built for chatting, not for sharing music :)
People can send it to you directly, or they can run an fserve, which is a clever FTP through /msging kind of thing.
I hang around gamesnet. You can't very well make an Opeth channel there unless someone makes a Q3 mod based on Still Life or something.