#opeth (EFNET) on irc. Trying to get a opeth channel going


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2002
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I have been for the past month trying to get an IRC opeth channel going. The point of this channel would be to provide opeth fans a realtime talking alternative to message boards and e-mail lists. If you could come and check it out it would be very much appreciated, aswell as getting other people you know to come. Just imagine a channel with 30 active opeth faniatics talking about upcoming events, other bands, opinions on opeth work. I appologize for any rules I might have broken with this post, I do not mean to do anything more than bring a number of opeth fans on a more personal level. Please stop by...

#opeth (EFNET) IRC...

If you need an irc client you can get one at www.mirc.com
Make sure you connect to EFNET and type..

/join #opeth

Thanks in advance,

I get some error about "identd" or some shit. It may have to do with the fact that I'm using Trillian. Or maybe that I'm relatively inexperienced when it comes to IRC. Meh.
TrevJ: if you have a router or firewall. You need to forward port "113" to the local IP of the computer you want to connect to irc with. that is the IDENTD port.

I have no idea how to work this thing. Someone help. I'm stuck at the absolute beginning.