I created a CoB IRC channel *Details

SSJ4SephirothX said:
Oh well, I guess there is two CoB IRC channels in English now. *Start Sublimital Message*Come to mine!*End Sublimital Message*

NP: Ozzy Osbourne - Revelation (Mother Earth)
It's subliminal....
C'mon people, we need people in here. I notice people will come in and then leave simply because there isn't a shitload of people yet. How in the hell can there be a shitload of people when people are coming and going? Please, if you are on cable or DSL, idle in the channel. I understand the fact of you 56Kers needing to disconnect but Perm-connection people, please help out. C'mon guys, lets get this channel huge. I won't stop at nothing to get it packed and full of us.

NP: Arch Enemy - Behind the Smile
C'mon guys, please join. Me and a few others would really appreciate if you came in and helped make the channel the #1 choice of CoB fans to come into and talk in real-time. So please, join and get others to. If you have a perm connection, please idle. If you need any help connecting, feel free to PM me. Thanks.

NP: In Flames - Pallars Anders Visa
Just go to http://www.mirc.com and get IRC. After you download and install, run it. A server pop-up will come up and just put in your information (nick etc.). After that you'll notice a window open. Type /server irc.advnetsol.net and then after you connect to the server, in the same window type /join #childrenofbodom

If you have any troubles, the IRC site will tell you everything you need to know about basic IRC. IRC is pretty simple once you get used to it.

NP: Rhapsody - Power of the Dragonflame
If people start serving bootlegs, I'm there ! I would start serving too, but i am on 56k so youd have to be patient :)

but seriously, why not make it a bodom download channel, as well as bodom chat ? that would be awesome if you ask me :rock: