So, what happened to the IRC room?

Anyway, I made this edit to the front post:

Edit 2.23:

At the moment connections from Mibbit and a certain region of CGO cable are banned... if you're trying to get in from there and it's not letting you in, give me a PM so I can edit it to let you in.

I don't think we have any regulars who use either, so we should be good. But,I'm sure due to one guy's ever so persistent nature to be one of the cool kids, that I'll probably end up banning every other IRC WebUI in the process. :lol:
It took me awhile to figure it out. I eventually started using Trillion because I really, really hated mIRC. It's like hitting the easy button! :D Go try it.

I downloaded what claimed to be Trillion.. But no IRC. :O Just Msn/AIM and all those. :(
I never would have guessed that windows xchat would have had a 30 day limit before requiring registration...... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LINUX HERITAGE YOU DIRTY PROGRAM.

Someone tell me a decent free windows irc client.