Ireland , dublin gig

Ray Scully

New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2005
is any1 from ireland going to see the show?

i have seen anthrax twice in the last 2 years great shows and all but i cant wait to here the old tunes been blasted out properly by joey,

i think john is an amazing singer but i noticed on the dvd he doesnt give the vocals a goodbelt out he more speaks the words then sings them he is well better off in saint

well there is a few points to discuss?
Would love to be at the show but unfortunately in coincides with my good lady givin birth to our first wayne, so as much as i wanted to I had to decline. Still hopin for a northern show though.
I cant go cos the ambassador has really strict age limitz. Same reason i cant see slayer either. I seen antrax at the ulster hall in Belfast in '04. Fuckin blew me away :cry:
Hell Yeah Im going.....though I have to fly from Bournemouth in England to go......fair a cheap flight, and hotel room booked.....Last time I saw Anthrax was at the Astoria in London a couple of years back and it was killer........Cant wait to see them again with the old line-up
I'll be there. Seen Thrax 3 times in the last two years. Twice in Dublin and once in Belfast. Always awesome live, and really looking forward to seeing the old lineup. I'll be feeling like a 16 year old again. We were to go to Glasgow to see them as well, but have had to pull out of that trip. :(
Ahfurfuksek! said:
Would love to be at the show but unfortunately in coincides with my good lady givin birth to our first wayne, so as much as i wanted to I had to decline. Still hopin for a northern show though.

Unlucky my friend....I had a similar problem, as its my sons 4th birthday on that date, but have "persuaded" the missus to make him "think" the next day is his actual birthday.....hes not old enough to know what day it is so what the hell.....I cant miss this gig :rock: Congrats on the baby BTW.....hello to sleepless nights ahead
the ambassador isnt strict fare enough im only 17 but i look fairly older so im not really ever asked for id. at megadeath they were letting in all the youngens
PoolePaul said:
Unlucky my friend....I had a similar problem, as its my sons 4th birthday on that date, but have "persuaded" the missus to make him "think" the next day is his actual birthday.....hes not old enough to know what day it is so what the hell.....I cant miss this gig :rock: Congrats on the baby BTW.....hello to sleepless nights ahead

Cheers sir, yeah i'm sleepin an extra 4 hours a day to make up for what i'll lose in the next 20 years!