ireland saved the world!!!

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
thats what was announced yesterday all over the news and on the papers. because of the whole american economy collapse us clever drunk irish just couldnt wait for the usa to bail the world out like usual so we guaranteed 400 billion euro (551 billion usd) in our irish banks.

and the best part is because irish money is now secure so every country in the world is pumping their money into irish banks to make sure they dont make a loss on their dosh.

meaning ireland saved the world banks and now you wellies are pumping more dosh into my pocket! thanks chaps!

im going bentley shopping:notworthy
World banks are bringing us closer to a one world government. A plan put in place by people like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. It's not a good thing.

Also, are you saying that you are pocketing some of this money? Because you are not. But I will tell you this, someone else will be going bentley shopping and it won't be me or you.
haha - well personally there wont be any improvement that i will be able to see to my pocket but ireland had its economic boom back in 2000 which we called the celtic tiger so many people overspent and took out loans way over what they are capable of paying back so to us this is a god send as it will lower our interest rates and get people out of debts.

the luck of the irish eh!
haha - well personally there wont be any improvement that i will be able to see to my pocket but ireland had its economic boom back in 2000 which we called the celtic tiger so many people overspent and took out loans way over what they are capable of paying back so to us this is a god send as it will lower our interest rates and get people out of debts.

the luck of the irish eh!

Sorry mate this wont do jack to our interest rate as thats goverend by the ECB. Its just a measure to give liquidity back to the banks in ireland. This wont help anyone who has a huge loan which they have to pay back.
I think if Thin Lizzy ran the US federal reserve they would invet goats that take projectile vomit poops of pure money thereby making every body rich.
I think if Thin Lizzy ran the US federal reserve they would invet goats that take projectile vomit poops of pure money thereby making every body rich.
Has anyone noticed the mystic powers that turn all the threads this dude starts into mindless babbling, which - while undeniably entertaining - has absolutely nothing to do with the OP?

Hahahaha, that's probably because the majority of the OP's are pointless and kinda dumb, so it's not like we're given much to work with! :goggly:

And Sloan...well played as always :lol::lol: