Iridium, Backup singer?

Nah, i think the "grammar nazi" thing went to me. I'm greek and i wish i would die (yeah, i mean for my country), but alas my chances are slim since i was born a woman.

I guess there is a lot of discrimination towards woman in Greece.

Ay! Siren that is too bad, women should be allowed to love their country in the same way as a man, that is a poor shame. As of late I am myself turning into a "grammar nazi". Thank you colleges for correcting horribly taught high school English.

I still don't like the term "Grammar Nazi", how about "Grammar Lover"? :) Sounds nicer too.

@siren: As an ultraconservative American Evangelical, I don't understand why some people can't be a nice, normal gender instead of women.

Ay! Siren that is too bad, women should be allowed to love their country in the same way as a man, that is a poor shame.
I totally agree. And men should be allowed to carry babies in their bellies like women, how unfair is that?
I guess there is a lot of discrimination towards woman in nature.
@siren: As an ultraconservative American Evangelical, I don't understand why some people can't be a nice, normal gender instead of women.
Originally Posted by Siren
I totally agree. And men should be allowed to carry babies in their bellies like women, how unfair is that?
Well that may be unfair but i am ok with that, i would consider childbirth to just be cruel and unusual punishment for a person of the male gender. Kidney stones are bad enough, i do not ever want to experience child birth.
Well that may be unfair but i am ok with that, i would consider childbirth to just be cruel and unusual punishment for a person of the male gender. Kidney stones are bad enough, i do not ever want to experience child birth.

They solved this in the movie Junior with Ahnold. You just do it by C-section.


The thing that really frustrates me about discrimination against women is the incredible position that we are in to solve it (this is largely what drove me from the political right aaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll the way to the left). Yeah, nature gave both genders specific roles in reproduction. In early societies, this made certain social standards advantageous: dangerous work and war-making made sense for men; a society's reproductive capacity is limited by the number of women, while a handful of men can fertilize them all. Further, with men making their contributions quickly and leaving preggos back home, certain domestic responsibilities naturally fell to those who were already pregnant or nursing and unable to occupy themselves otherwise.

However, in the modern world, population growth is no longer a concern. Most work is no longer dangerous, and the handful of dangerous professions (including war) would not cost enough female military lives to matter in that regard. There is absolutely no excuse for continued gender discrimination in the workplace anywhere in the world. Further, through rich social medicine and family support programs, we can easily take on the mis-matched burdens born by our sisters and share them.

Now I regret (jokingly) bringing evangelicals into the mix. One house of Congress in the U.S. voted a few weeks ago to defund Planned Parenthood, a public health group that distributes information and contraceptives and provides various other women's health services. Controversially, some of their clinics perform small portion of the nationwide number of abortions. They've been targeted for years by the right for various reasons, most of which are summed up aptly in this comic. There is a horrible, distorted attempt to cast what should obviously be "society's issues" as "women's issues." All the single-motherhood, rape, abortion, prostitution, etc. come down to that fact these hussies should be making better decisions. Never mind that most of the items listed above include male participants; nature/God gave me a relatively less risky anatomy, therefore absolving me of all responsibility for everything.

I think that it is necessary for a modern society to take mutual ownership (and I mean that in a conceptual, non-possessive sense) of the burdens of each gender. Specific cancers, whether male of female, are everyone's problem because we only survive and thrive together.

</completely uninvited rant>

Sorry about the thread, bro.
I'm sure a strap-on would allow this

Ah hahahaha oh what oh wait oh hahahaha :lol: .

They solved this in the movie Junior with Ahnold. You just do it by C-section.


The thing that really frustrates me about discrimination against women is the incredible position that we are in to solve it (this is largely what drove me from the political right aaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll the way to the left). Yeah, nature gave both genders specific roles in reproduction. In early societies, this made certain social standards advantageous: dangerous work and war-making made sense for men; a society's reproductive capacity is limited by the number of women, while a handful of men can fertilize them all. Further, with men making their contributions quickly and leaving preggos back home, certain domestic responsibilities naturally fell to those who were already pregnant or nursing and unable to occupy themselves otherwise.

However, in the modern world, population growth is no longer a concern. Most work is no longer dangerous, and the handful of dangerous professions (including war) would not cost enough female military lives to matter in that regard. There is absolutely no excuse for continued gender discrimination in the workplace anywhere in the world. Further, through rich social medicine and family support programs, we can easily take on the mis-matched burdens born by our sisters and share them.

Now I regret (jokingly) bringing evangelicals into the mix. One house of Congress in the U.S. voted a few weeks ago to defund Planned Parenthood, a public health group that distributes information and contraceptives and provides various other women's health services. Controversially, some of their clinics perform small portion of the nationwide number of abortions. They've been targeted for years by the right for various reasons, most of which are summed up aptly in this comic. There is a horrible, distorted attempt to cast what should obviously be "society's issues" as "women's issues." All the single-motherhood, rape, abortion, prostitution, etc. come down to that fact these hussies should be making better decisions. Never mind that most of the items listed above include male participants; nature/God gave me a relatively less risky anatomy, therefore absolving me of all responsibility for everything.

I think that it is necessary for a modern society to take mutual ownership (and I mean that in a conceptual, non-possessive sense) of the burdens of each gender. Specific cancers, whether male of female, are everyone's problem because we only survive and thrive together.

</completely uninvited rant>

Sorry about the thread, bro.

No, don't apologise, this is normal interaction in a forum; I wish threads were derailed into important topics like this more often.

It's amazing that there's so much discrimination against women, it's really hard for me to believe that even in 21st cent. things like this still happen. I guess some people got stuck&#8230; in the Victorian Era? Here in CR there are a lot of frequent articles about women that face discrimination; for example, they get paid less than their male counterparts when carrying out the same job. Some don't get the "maternity leave", and they have to survive by themselves&#8230; with a kid.

But we also have what you call "neo-discrimination". Here there's no institution that defends men that have suffered aggressions (of any type), which is something I hate. I bloody hate feminists because (in general) they want women to have more rights than men, which is wrong, there should be equal rights for everyone.
The CRn president (Laurita Chinchilla &#8211; as expected, awful administration), chose women for specific positions in the ministries here&#8230; women that were/are TOTALLY unsuitable for those jobs.

So I just wonder, which is worse, giving unfair advantages to women, or that women have to face discrimination due to male/society's chauvinism? I'd say the second, but I don't think the first one is any good either.
Now i dont want this topic on equal rights to take a funny turn but I think that when Anal C**t said
I respect your feelings
I respect your gender
I respect your existence
I'll always be tender
Cause I respect your feelings
As a woman and a human
If every country adopted this kind of mindset then equal rights would not be a problem for either side. Sadly, I still remember how when the US made the 14th amendment which gave ANY US citizen equal protection and rights under the law. Yet, when women wanted to vote the Supreme court said they couldn't. Even though the Constitution itself says that Any US citizen has equal rights etc. they claim that the amendment only applied to slaves and that was complete bullcrap.
While I don't know anything about your society, I generally disagree with your assessment of feminists. While you occasionally find someone saying something stupid, for the most part there is enough discrimination between the media and the workplace that over-reach is practically impossible.