Irish Metal


Dec 8, 2001
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....... well saying as you done Israli metal i thought how bout some IRISH.

Anyone here like any Irish metal? or even heard any for that matter?


SCALD ..... etc.....
I'm with ya on Irish metal. Primordial is my favorite band, with In the Woods... in a close second. Waylander's debut was great, but disappointed with the followup. Cruachan's debut is an underground classic, with the next two releases being good for what they are. Geasa is criminally under-rated, a fantastic band.

Haven't heard Mourning Beloveth, Scald or Abaddon Incarnate. What do they sound like?

Another Irish band is Arcane Sun. They have only released one album, and it is among my favorites. They play slow-to-mid-paced doom. Fans of BMD-era Katatonia and TLTSera My Dying Bride should take notice.
Blackspirit, you should check out Waylander, Bran Barr, Tuatha De Dannan and Mael Mordha.

Dreamlord, i noticed you picking Primordial's "Spirit The Earth Aflame" as your fave all time album in the Katatonia forum. I well know of Arcane Sun, I reviewed their album for The Metal Observer aswell as many demos and albums by Irish artists, go read some of my stuff ( my name is Niall, so all reviews with my name beside by Irish artists you should check out :)

Mourning Beloveth are DOOM metal that is as good as anything (and perhaps with Autumnal Flames BETTER) My Dying Bride have done.

Abaddon Incarnate are out and out in your face heavy as fuck grindcore.

Scald are one of the most original and best bands i've ever heard, sludge grind, black death doom all rolled into one.

How can you be dissappointed with "The Light The Dark And The Endless Knot"??? in the beginning i was, but over time i've come to love it BETTER than the debut. Waylander are one of the best bands around at the moment. Songs like "Morrigans Domain" and the title track how can you be dissappointed???

oh and what you think of the new Primordial "Storm Before The Calm"??
I heard the Dust album by Mourning Beloveth, which is very much OK! I'm waiting for their new album to come out, but their homepage isn't quite up to date on that matter (apparently the recording is done).
Originally posted by Culture_AK47
Blackspirit, you should check out Waylander, Bran Barr, Tuatha De Dannan and Mael Mordha.

Like Blackspirit, I am also interested in Cruachan sound-a-likes. I already have both Waylander CD's. Where can I find mp3's and CD's from the other three bands?

Dreamlord, i noticed you picking Primordial's "Spirit The Earth Aflame" as your fave all time album in the Katatonia forum. I well know of Arcane Sun, I reviewed their album for The Metal Observer aswell as many demos and albums by Irish artists, go read some of my stuff ( my name is Niall, so all reviews with my name beside by Irish artists you should check out :)

I just Arcane Sun would release another album. I heard they were working on a new album called 'Fade', but then they just disappeared. BTW, I am talking to one of the members of Belinus and he's going to hook me up with their demo, 'Battlechants'

How can you be dissappointed with "The Light The Dark And The Endless Knot"??? in the beginning i was, but over time i've come to love it BETTER than the debut. Waylander are one of the best bands around at the moment. Songs like "Morrigans Domain" and the title track how can you be dissappointed???

Maybe I just need to listen to it more, but it seems to have less of that Irish feel to it.

oh and what you think of the new Primordial "Storm Before The Calm"??

To be honet, I was majorly disappointed. They left the epic, dark metal to return to a more black metal approach. I prefer 'A Journey's End or 'Spirit the Earth Aflame' to 'Storm Before Calm' anyday.
My favourite Primordial album was always Imrama so needless to say the added aggression on Storm Before The Calm was right up my ally. I think they created this album with more passion and fight than they used on any other album. I love it.

you can order Mael Mordha's demo from their website, go to and join the forum. People there will answer all your questions. The other bands aren't Irish but sound Celtic so I have no idea where to get there stuff. Bran Baar are French and Tuatha De Dannan are Brazillian.

When I reviewed "Battlechants" i gave it 8 out of 10 i think so its a damn good demo. The track "At Dusk We Rise" is amazing and if you're a big Primordial fan then you'll love them.

Oh and yeh listen to Waylander more :)