Iron Grudge now up-- thoughts?

Crast - Finally got it to work.

Sounds fucking massive man, I can't wait to get my filthy hands on this,

Btw, is that you doing all the vocals? (Including the low growls?)
That's me on all the black metal vocals, while Dan Hulse does all the death metal vox / ultra low growls on the album. Dan also does the 'clean' vocals in the chorus of 'The Northen Cold'. 'Woods 3' will have a good mix of both our vocals styles that we'll be able to recreate live! :)
I love the integration of the death and black vocals on "Iron Grudge". That's what really stood out to me on the first listen. They just sound so fuckin good together. I was wondering if that was Dan doing the low growls.
man northern cold is the first woods song i'm not really fond of, but this song is fucking awesome

congrats man

edit: can you post the lyrics? i think your style of writing is ace but i can't make out half of this :blush:
song is interesting.... vocals are too monotone and dull for my taste, which is a first for WoY :| The Northern Cold rocked, hopefully songs of this ilk will just take longer to grow on me.
Thanks for all the comments guys. + It's cool to see some totally 'new' people posting on the Woods forum for the first time too!

Expect to see the next song, "Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground" online within a week or so.

Spread the fucking word out there!!! :kickass: