Iron Maiden announce full details of LAD dvd !

So I finally got mine today (Royal Mail SUCKS!) and really enjoying it so far. The documentary is great!! The bit when they're talking about Mission From 'Arry had me in hysterics!!!! Nicko is such a character!!! He also has an interesting story about something he did in the middle of Rime one show which I won't spoil for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Great stuff!! It's got me even more excited for the tour!!! Roll on July!!! :kickass:
I enjoyed all of it except the quality of Rio '85. The jumpy video is really annoying. Whats worse, is that a friend of mine has a DVD bootleg copy thats better quality without the video problems....One would think Maiden would try and track down a better source than the one they used.

I wonder if we'll get a Part 3 History DVD by this Fall that will include S.I.T. live footage and the subsequent videos.
I think the next History installment will be just about S.I.T. or combine S.I.T. and 7th Son, which will include Maiden England and a S.I.T. show or two.
Huh... so this isn't really so much a continuation of the so called "Early Years" but just a celebration of LAD? Well that makes much more sense then. Otherwise I'm gona be annoyed.
It seems the "Golden Years" tour/dvd is goinf to be splietd in two.

So this one focus on Powerslave/LAD and the next History dvd/tour will focus on SIT/SSOASS w/ Maiden England concert on dvd :kickass:

Iron Maiden is kicking my budget in the nuts... and ITS GREAT!!!!!
I got my DVD yesterday...considering the fact that I already had LAD on DVD,(the infamous brazil version) I just bought it for the documentaries,and they are really good! It's great to hear crazy tour stories from an era when they were real rockstars. The "Behind the iron curtain" part itself worth the price! It's a real jewel for me,'cos I spent my early teenage years in this era,in one of those countries,so it was very funny for me to watch what was goin' on back then/there! Pretty ridiculous,if I think about it.

Although I would have a question.When they played "The trooper" on the Rock in Rio show,Bruce had some problem,you can hear him while the others playing the solo part,he's cursing out someone,but I couldn't find out what was his problem.Does anybody know what happened?
The quality is certainly a step above the Brazilian one, but not least on my friends tv :D However I can't wait to watch all the documentary stuff.

I had Behind the Iron Curtain for years from my boot trading days and honestly it's a huge dissapointment. The 'concerts' are clearly just videos filmed on stage in front of an empty house in most of the situations, which feels like robbery to me *shrug* ah well :)

In other news gona hit probably the Phoenix show on the new tour, or Alb...
I had Behind the Iron Curtain for years from my boot trading days and honestly it's a huge dissapointment. The 'concerts' are clearly just videos filmed on stage in front of an empty house in most of the situations, which feels like robbery to me *shrug* ah well :)

It's been a long time since I've watch BTIC cos I've not got around to watching it on the dvd yet but I don't remember getting that impression. Best part of the video for me was when Bruce was down the front slapping hands with all the fans and the security guard is trying to stop them touching Bruce and he just slaps him away and is right in there with all the fans! :notworthy :kickass:
That's our Bruce! At least that's how he was back in the day....

I was watching the Classic Albums for NOTB and man, Bruce was a little goofy when he was in Saxon from the look of those videos....

I plan on gettng the DVD this week, once I figure out how much money I have left after the shopping madness of this weekend!
Bruce was a little goofy when he was in Saxon from the look of those videos....

Khm...sorry man,but Samson.Saxon was something totally different.But I agree,it's so heartwarming to see that how friendly and close this band was to the fans 24 yrs ago.Anyway...nobody knows why was Bruce bitching on the RIR show?