Iron Maiden, Derek Riggs and Eddie - Revealed!

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My pictures have sold more merchandise than Walt Disney. One for one Eddie outsells Mickey Mouse. I have sold more posters than the U.S. president in an election year. A lot of the "original" fantasy ideas you see in the movies and on TV have been stolen directly from my Web site and my published works. I thought it up and someone else just stole it. I do get a bit tired of seeing my ideas used by other people who have no creativity of their own, just a big movie budget. Hey, give ME the big movie budget and see what happens. And stop pilfering from my Web site. Thieves.


Meanwhile, back to reality....
Kind of weird. He seemed a bit irritable. They asked if "the design for Eddie was based on footage of a decapitated head" and hes like,

"Oh that's complete rubbish."

But then he explains how he did base it on a decapitated head.

"My pictures have sold more merchandise than Walt Disney. One for one Eddie outsells Mickey Mouse. I have sold more posters than the U.S. president in an election year."

Ok you wanna brownie pin?

"Look, Eddie is a painting. He doesn't have a personality, he doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't growl or bite. He doesn't believe in anything, he is not for anything or against anything. He is a painting ... OK?"

That was actually pretty funny.
Kind of weird. He seemed a bit irritable. They asked if "the design for Eddie was based on footage of a decapitated head" and hes like,

"Oh that's complete rubbish."

But then he explains how he did base it on a decapitated head.

"My pictures have sold more merchandise than Walt Disney. One for one Eddie outsells Mickey Mouse. I have sold more posters than the U.S. president in an election year."

Ok you wanna brownie pin?

"Look, Eddie is a painting. He doesn't have a personality, he doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't growl or bite. He doesn't believe in anything, he is not for anything or against anything. He is a painting ... OK?"

That was actually pretty funny.

The question asks if Eddie was based on a decapitated head that he saw on a documentary about the Battle of Guadalcanal in WW2 which Derek says isn't true because as he says it was a picture in Time magazine and the photo was used as a reference for the painting, Eddie himself was not based on that head.

And outselling Walt Disney is one hell of an achievement!! If I did that, I'd be telling everyone too!!
The question asks if Eddie was based on a decapitated head that he saw on a documentary about the Battle of Guadalcanal in WW2 which Derek says isn't true because as he says it was a picture in Time magazine and the photo was used as a reference for the painting, Eddie himself was not based on that head.

I think the interviewer simply gave too much of a detailed description which caused him to say it was "rubbish". Some say its an Americans head, others say its a British soldiers head. I've read where its a Japanese soldiers head which the interviewer most likely did as well which gives credence to the Guadalcanal/WWII quote.
He said on the 12 wasted Years vid that he got the idea of Eddie from the head on a tank...Now he says he only used it as reference...whatever.

And outselling Walt Disney is one hell of an achievement!! If I did that, I'd be telling everyone too!!

Problem is, he didn't. That's pure over inflated ego talk. Nothing more.
Ok, but "Complete Rubbish?" I mean it was pretty much what he ended up saying. Maybe its partial rubbish, but he acted like it was totally way out of left field.

There is no way Eddie is bigger than Mickey Mouse. That is bullshit! Mickey Mouse probably sold more in Japan alone than Eddie.

I hate famous rich people that act like they got it so rough.

"Boo hooo waa waa, its so hard sitting on my millions of a character I have to paint every 3 years. That's complete rubbish! Eddie doesn't eat"

If I had his job and his money, I'd be one delightful happy camper and probably would have been skipping for joy during that interview saying, "I am so grateful of the millions of dollars I have made for my art, and I owe so much to the fans and those that have loved my heart. Fans, I love you!"
I'm not trying to be the thought police here, guys, and perhaps you aren't intending to be a rude as your comments are coming across as being - but I have to reiterate what Linda said here - please remember that Derek is our friend. Thanks.
Well he's British, and Brits don't usually mind a good piss take. I think he'd laugh. But come on, don't you think his comments were kind of screaming for a response when he starts comparing Eddie to Mickey Mouse?
I hate famous rich people that act like they got it so rough.

This reminds of a quote by Paul Stanley back when KISS ALIVE! just came out where the interviewer asked him what is was like to be rich and famous where Paul replied "I know what its like to be famous!".

Personally, I don't think Riggs is rolling in the dough. He most likely did the Maiden artwork for a flat rate, meaning all the artwork and whatnot was one big generous lump sum, which unfortunately, included the original artwork as well it seems, since he never got any of it back. Big mistake, because if you really want to make money, you have to keep your originals. He could probably sell the first album , Killers, NOTB, POM and all those for $25,000-50,000 a piece easy. The second problem is that by doing all your work on the PC like he's currently doing, you're shooting yourself in the foot again because no original artwork exists, therefore no money can be generated from the sale of the original art.

Despite what Riggs pulled with that whole book signing fiasco, I'm not trying to bash the guy. The comments in that interview seem to be coming from someone that has OD'd on a jar of bitterness pills and a nightcap of Regret suppositories.

Like Acujer said, if you make some outlandish whopper sized, far fetched comments like he did in that interview, you sure as Hell gonna get a response, more negative than positive to be sure.

The only other thing I have to say about this is in response to this quote:

Do you think he's aged well? Is the Eddie of today as powerful and compelling as those past?

Derek Riggs: Only the ones which I paint. The ones by other people are a bit lame. They all talk like they can paint but when it comes down to it they fail. This is because they talk the talk, but I am the only one who can walk the walk....

I haven't done anything official for Maiden, but I do take this as a slap in the face. Up until now, all the Maiden artwork I've done has been not only for free, but just as a fun release from the monotony of my NFL stuff. I'll take his comments as a personal challenge for any and all future Eddie pieces I create.
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