Iron Maiden Live Tomorrow but.....

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
... since about Sunday/Monday my left ear is clogged up like a motherfucker. It is literally driving me up the wall. I have been to the doctor and he said I have a lot of wax and I should take olive oil drops in the ear until the wax is loose and then either it should come out slowly and clear up or I can get it syringed. The problem is I think I made it worse by trying self cleaning and shilst I got loads out I also probably pushed more further back in which made it worse.

Anyway I asked can it be syringed straight away he said no and that it must be treated with olive oil first to loosen. and if it doesn't clear up on it's own then it can be syringed. I didn't tell him I am supposed to be going to see Iron fucking Maiden for what could very well be the last time on Saturday as he would probably have said don't go. I have literally been pouring a gallon of olive oil down my ears and have removed a fair chunk of shite out of it but it's actually no better and possibly even worse. I just cannot believe this has happened now. I literally almost cannot hear out of the left.

I have been waiting 2 months for this gig since I got my ticket and I have seen no other gigs in the mean time. It's at the massive 20,000 seater O2 Arena and it's my first visit to this venue and I've been looking forward to it as I've not had a good time of it in general with some personal issues of late and this gig was a chance to forget about life and take in the glory of Maiden for what could be the last time who knows and this happens. It is so bad that I feel like shoving a screwdriver down my lughole! (joke! but it is driving me nuts!))

Would you go to a gig with only one working ear? I suppose I can go and wear ear plugs in both ears so I won't hear it properly anyway but what joy is that. Sorry for posting this but I needed someone to share my pain at the moment. As I type I would say I have 10% hearing in the left. Fucking cursed! I don't know what to do really.
This one of the worst posts I've ever seen on the internet.

- Way to ignore/incorrectly follow a doctor's advice and put your health at risk for one stupid concert. It's good to know where your priorities lie.

- Thanks for letting us know how gross you are.

- It's your own damn fault this happened. It's seriously the easiest thing in the world to clean your ears everyday.

- Instead of posting a ginormous thread about having too much earwax and making it even worse for yourself due to wanting to go to a concert on the internet, shouldn't you be at a hospital right about now? Again... priorities...

- Where is the joy in earplugs you ask? Where's the joy in getting tinnitus? FYI earplugs actually make the show sound better because they cancel out excess noise.
This one of the worst posts I've ever seen on the internet.

- Way to ignore/incorrectly follow a doctor's advice and put your health at risk for one stupid concert. It's good to know where your priorities lie.

- Thanks for letting us know how gross you are.

- It's your own damn fault this happened. It's seriously the easiest thing in the world to clean your ears everyday.

- Instead of posting a ginormous thread about having too much earwax and making it even worse for yourself due to wanting to go to a concert on the internet, shouldn't you be at a hospital right about now? Again... priorities...

- Where is the joy in earplugs you ask? Where's the joy in getting tinnitus? FYI earplugs actually make the show sound better because they cancel out excess noise.

I agree on the earplugs thing if you get the right ones it actually improves the sound IMO.I refused for years to try plugs cause I was afraid it would bury some of the vocalists and I was shocked that it made me able to hear them even better.
I had my ears hosed out several years ago and they said no such thing about needing to soften them first. They just used the syringe in both ears a couple of times and everything popped loose.
Go to wal-mart or CVS, or whatever pharmacy and get some Murine earwax removal stuff (Murine works the best out of all the brands, imo)

it has some kind of oil & peroxide in it. It will feel like rice krispies are popping in your ear. Once the bubbling mostly stops, take a syringe (looks like a turkey baster, sort of) and use warm, not hot, water, and hose it out. That stuff works great. Seriously...

Perhaps you can save what comes out, and make Mr. Slumber a candle! :D
I agree on the earplugs thing if you get the right ones it actually improves the sound IMO.I refused for years to try plugs cause I was afraid it would bury some of the vocalists and I was shocked that it made me able to hear them even better.

The blue hearoes (sp?) work really well for me. I agree, I was shocked when I first tried them that I could actually hear the mix better than without them. I hear the custom ones work even better, but I'm not made of money.
Go to wal-mart or CVS, or whatever pharmacy and get some Murine earwax removal stuff (Murine works the best out of all the brands, imo)

it has some kind of oil & peroxide in it. It will feel like rice krispies are popping in your ear. Once the bubbling mostly stops, take a syringe (looks like a turkey baster, sort of) and use warm, not hot, water, and hose it out. That stuff works great. Seriously...

Yep, and that "Rice Krispies" thing is spot-on; it sounds JUST like that.
It's been many years since I had a really bad ear infection/wax build-up/swimmers ear problem, but I did this and it worked well.

For wax build-up they also suggest getting a hot water-bottle and lying ear-down on it (best to use really HOT water, and then layer towels between your ear and the water-bottle as suits your heat tolerance :)).

I'm assuming that an ear-infection is not suspected, otherwise the doctor would surely have recommended some sort of antibiotic, nyet?