Iron Maiden/Maidens fan to be proud of!!


Jun 5, 2006
Orange County, Ca
Saw this from the Iron Maiden website.

It may only be a cd, but the thought should not go unnoticed!

Is there anyone here who cannot afford a copy of AMOLAD?
Ok...I mean this seriously....I'm curious if there's anyone here who honestly cannot afford to buy a copy of AMOLAD on CD, and lives in the United States.

After buying all the copies I bought, I have one more than I thought I would need for family, friends and myself. I will be more than happy to send my extra copy (yes, it's the one with the DVD) anywhere in the contingent United States, to someone who truly can't afford it. It's of no use to me, as I've got enough copies to make me happy.

Please....don't be a dick...if you've got one and are just being greedy and want another one...or if you're just waiting for your next paycheck/allowance to buy one...then please just keep quiet. I want someone who wouldn't be able to buy it otherwise, to get this.

Khan Imoc
te_truper said:
what´s AMOLAD??

The New Iron Maiden CD "A Matter Of Life And Death".

I see you are in Mexico City so don't forget the Maidens will be at The Hard Rock Cafe on the 15th.

drumslut said:
On sale right now at Best Buy for $9.99 and that includes the bonus DVD!

Gonna swing by one on the way home. :kickass: Thanks for the sales tip.
