IRON MAIDEN Metal School!


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
ok, I have not been a flag waving Maiden fan probably since Somewhere in Time ... but back then I used to wear my Maiden Tee 2-3 times a week to school ... until now.

Man, this new CD after just 3 spins has totally restored my faith in them ... wtf happend to them to get the inspiration to write this thing?

"The Pilgrim" and the "The Longest Day" alone made the bad taste in my mouth that was left for 15 years go away ... The verse singing of Bruce on "The Longest Day" is just ... well not singing ... but just balls out "I fucking mean this" style delivery ...

All those galloping in the hills to the sound of music type of bands you guys worship totally got schooled with this disc.

Dare I say this is on par with Powerslave and earlier material ... and even better in some ways.
This new album has definitely restored my faith in Maiden. Brave New World was pretty boring for the most part, and to be honest I didn't even bother listening to Dance Of Death, although I do intend to pick it up at some point. This one, though... goddamn, if it doesn't rule really hard.
Erik said:
depends on whether you like being right

I don't know man and I am not out to argue ... but this disc just flows and sounds so goddamn natural and effortless without even trying ...

I wrote in another thread that the first 3 tracks were meh, but I take that back as well ... Different Worlds is the new Wasted Time in terms of catchiness.

There are NO FILLERS on this disc ...

It's just :OMG:
*wasted years

and yeah the new album isn't so brilliant after a few listens

it's really good for being new maiden and bruce sounds dead on but it has NOTHING on the classics, NOTHING
Erik said:
it's really good for being new maiden and bruce sounds dead on but it has NOTHING on the classics, NOTHING

depends on whether you like being right
i could type a lengthy response but if you think this is actually better than any of the 80's albums you need to get the poop out of your ears and re-listen to them (perhaps this time you'll even remember the song titles)
:lol: ... dude, I am not dissing ze old Maiden ... I love that shit ...

I am just amazed at what they managed to pull off with this new one.
Hmm, I think the new Iron Maiden is a massive let down. It's certainly not as varied as the last two, and while it might be 'dark', it's hardly X Factor dark.

Doesn't even come CLOSE to anything 7th Son and previous. In fact, I'd say this is a total bottom feeder, sitting alongside FotD and VXI.

The main issue I have is that I can barely distinguish any of the songs. Furthermore, Bruce wails way too much on this -- some of his delivery is downright ear piercing. Roy Z knows how to write for Bruce's voice, and yet Harris still plays in ignorance.

Just when I thought "Wildest Dreams" was their worst opener, they come out with this stinker #1 track.

Kevin Shirley needs to die now too. Hopefully he can take Gers with him in his fiery death.

Overall, it's a good album, but in terms of Maiden greatness, this is weak weak weak.
Jk is going to come back here in some weeks or months ... after this disc hit him and apologize ... :loco:

The main issue I have is that I can barely distinguish any of the songs.

wha what? ... this is from a man who listens to Deathspell Omega?
JayKeeley said:
Doesn't even come CLOSE to anything 7th Son and previous.
the hype this album is getting is ridiculous, in 1 year none of you will compare this to the greats anymore

JayKeeley said:
In fact, I'd say this is a total bottom feeder, sitting alongside FotD and VXI.
but this is bullshit
i'd maybe argue that fear of the dark is stronger on virtue of "judas be my guide", "afraid to shoot strangers" and "be quick or be dead" alone, but i'm pretty sure AMOLAD kills "virtual xi" and "dance of death" with ease

JayKeeley said:
Just when I thought "Wildest Dreams" was their worst opener, they come out with this stinker #1 track.
this new one KILLS wildest dreams. probably better than the wicker man, too.

JayKeeley said:
Kevin Shirley needs to die now too.
this production is EASILY better than both previous shirley albums, while not reaching the heights of any of the 80's albums

JayKeeley said:
Hopefully he can take Gers with him in his fiery death.
gers wrote "the legacy", one of the most inspired and cool songs on the new album. give it a couple of spins, it's really interesting and very unusual for maiden, with an awesome bruce performance in the intro.

JayKeeley said:
Overall, it's a good album, but in terms of Maiden greatness, this is weak weak weak.
i'd say it's what i was expecting from maiden in 2006, no more, no less.
I really like it as an album (at the moment) but I can't say that I'll be reaching for it in a years time in the same way that I keep coming back to the early stuff.... Don't get me wrong I think it's a really promising return to form and I like it *a lot* however there's nothing in the same league as "Two Minutes to Midnight", "Aces High", "The Trooper" etc. on there..... :-(
Yeah but you'd really hope to put at least one track per album on the classic/essential list wouldn't you? I don't think that they've really truly done that since Seventh Son..... :-( They still rock :headbang: though! :)