Iron Maiden-Piece of Mind


Aug 14, 2006
Boston, MA
Iron Maiden-Piece of Mind. 90%

This album was everything hoped it would be. In my quest to complete my Maiden discography, this album has been exceedingly difficult to track down. Two of my favorite Maiden classics, Flight of Icarus and The Trooper, on one disc, is what motivated me to get this. I think it is one of Maidens finest.
This album has a sort of epic feel to it, partly due to its with relatively long songs, as well as its just right tempo, not too fast, setting a dramatic mood, great and long epic-sounding instrumentals and vocals, as well as songwriting at its finest. Bruce’s voice is at its best in this album, never sounding bad, hitting all the notes. This album uses a lot of palm muted riffs. The songs are consistently good, and the order they are in is just right, progressing properly, contributing to the epic-ness of the album, giving it just the right feel.

This album is an essential buy for any metal fan, one of my all time favorites.
i want to delete my other reviews and write some better ones. im a writer, but new to reviews, sugestions and critisisms are welcome, im trying to improve.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Really? I bought my copy at Wal-Mart, the most mainstream place ever. :lol:

i know, its weird, but they didnt have it at my wal mart. :lol:

or many other places, and it took me a while on the internet, too. nobody shares this old stuff....
Mike27 said:
i want to delete my other reviews and write some better ones. im a writer, but new to reviews, sugestions and critisisms are welcome, im trying to improve.

Well, all you have to do is go back to your original "reviews" and use the "EDIT" button. Then write a proper review, or else tell people to scroll down to your NEW, improved review. The latter option is probably better.