Iron Savior: Spontaneous extra song?

Metal E

New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2008
I noticed something at the end of the Iron Savior set and I wanted to see if maybe I'm just imagining things.

Before they started playing Atlantis is Falling, I could swear that I remember Piet introducing it as the last song. I also remember Piet introducing Iron Savior (the song) as being the next-to-last song. The thing that I'm trying to strain to remember is what happened at the end of Atlantis is Falling. At this point, I remember Piet not-so-discreetly going to all of the band members individually and saying something in their ears and then they kicked over into Breaking the Law without so much as a pause.

The questions on my mind are: Was Breaking the Law a planned part of their performance? When Piet spoke to each of the band members on stage, was it to tell them to sneak in the Breaking the Law performance? If it was spontaneous and they "stole" that extra song, I would find it greatly amusing.

Their Judas Priest is always immaculate. That part of the show rocked so hard, my balls hurt.
Piet did go to the others and tell them to go into "Breaking the Law." Bands often hold an ace in the hole to fill in the end of a set when they have a couple of Minutes left in their alotted time. Excellent cover I thought.
Loved Iron Savior's set. My guess is that Breaking the Law was originally planned as an encore, but when he realized that they did not have the time to do the "go back stage-wait for the audience to beg for one more song-go back on stage" routine they went ahead and played the song. I saw a similar thing with Night Ranger in Milwaukee, and in that case it was pretty obvious that's what happened..
Loved Iron Savior's set. My guess is that Breaking the Law was originally planned as an encore, but when he realized that they did not have the time to do the "go back stage-wait for the audience to beg for one more song-go back on stage" routine they went ahead and played the song. I saw a similar thing with Night Ranger in Milwaukee, and in that case it was pretty obvious that's what happened..