Ironcross In UM Store!


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Ok, it's his band Subterfuge :) Their EP 'Souls' can now be bought in the UM store for the grand price of $6USD - bargain!

So, if you like supporting new bands, and like supporting UM ;) buy Subterfuge's debut :)

Feel the fuge!
You mean we can buy Crossy?

Oh waitiasec... you mean a cd dont you? I thought I coulda gotten a cheap butler for a while there :spin:
Yeah, i agree - show your support peoples....

Also try to see them live, they are great.

metallica covers live are very cool....

(Shameless self promotion)

DUNGEON - Feb 2 - forest inn bexley - fund raiser for mixing and filming in digital on the night for a possible clip / home vid, wear your best shirts. hahaha