irrational fears


Aug 2, 2002
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my most recently developed one is a fear of getting kidney stones because they seem really painful and awful.
i dont see why i'd get one, but i am just so worried i will because i heard a passing mention that drinking a lot of caffeine and eating much too little can cause them.

also, i'm deathly afraid of injuring an underground burrowing mole of some sort when i am gardening so i always stomp around and make a lot of noise to scare them off before i start digging.
After seeing a grown man like my father kneeling and banging his own head on the floor while crying in pain lets me believe that I wouldn't want kidney stones either. A women at work told me that child birth was a piece of cake compared to kidney stone pain....
i'm not really talking about phobias, i'm talking more about obsessive thoughts regarding occurrences that probably won't even happen.
like, running and jumping on the bed b/c you're afraid a monster under the bed (or a friend) will grab your ankles
one day i'm going to grind my teeth so hard they shatter.

i'm going to drop my keys down the sewer grate near the bike rack.

i'll hear a fly buzz, then i'll die.
watching the door open and a set of huge black eyes peering in at me from what would be chest level.


waking up to a grey humanoid face with huge black eyes looking at me from a distance of six inches or less

anything humanoid entity in the room with me in the dark, really.
there's always the not so irrational fear of nuclear attack on NYC and my biggest worry is: will i, or will i not be able to get back to my apartment and pick up fred?
im pretty terrified that certain nightmares i have are real and i am too stupid to tell, which means i'm being haunted and am probably a close relative of satan. which would totally suck.
ahaha i went to IMDB so i could find a good kiefer movie (besides lost boys) and prove you wrong, but then i saw that in 2001 he made a film called "COWBOY UP" which was renamed that from "RING OF FIRE". so i'm not going to defend him any longer.
I've always said and stick by it, that if there were a nuclear attack on NYC while I was in Jersey, I would catch the bomb. Not in an effort to stop it from exploding, but to ensure that if I were not vaporized upon explosion I would be crushed to death, so as to prevent the slow wasting painful death of radiation poisoning caused by fallout.

Yes I know, being from Jersey, I'm probably already dying of some unknown wasting kind of poisoning very slowly, caused either by air pollution, or some other such nonsense environmentalists are talking about. That or OIA, overexposure to Italian Americans.