Argh, the dentist!


Jul 17, 2002
I just got home from the dentist about an hour ago. Man, I hate that place more than the hospital. I had to get 2 cavities drilled, and I was so pissed, because I haven't had any for a long time. First, getting your mouth numb just sucks. No eating, or drinking. Thank god the novacaine lasted only 2 hours this time, instead of 4 or 5. Then the sound of the drill going into your tooth. Ahh! I can't handle it. When I am sitting there, I just get all sweaty, because I am nervous as hell, and every once and a while I feel that one little sharp pain. I have vowed to never go back again, but god knows I will.

I've luckily never had (m)any run-ins with teh dentist. I've only had one cavity, and that was a fluke. I'm kind of a freak about my dental hygiene. I brush my teeth several times a day and floss as often as possible or more accurately as often as I remember to do so. :)

I'll probably have to get my wisdom teeth pulled this summer or sometime soon. I am definitely looking forward to that. :erk:

Nogie said:
I kinda love the anesthesia. !:eek:
Druggie. :p

NP: Ozric Tentacles - Erpland
I recently had $1200 worth of dental treatment, I had 9 (mostly very small, though a couple of big) holes. First session was over 2 hours (could hardly open my mouth the next day, you try having your mouth open wide for that long :p), 2nd session was about an hour.
Kinda interesting though, for all the small holes he used a sand blaster (no shit!) instead of a drill, which cuts down on the pain (I was numbed out for the first session, where he did 6 of them, but 2 of the holes were big so I had to have injections). They have a big suction thing they put near your mouth (and I mean big, it could've covered my nose and mouth) to suck up the sand as it comes out, and you have to rinse out all the sand afterwards becase your mouth get covered in it.

So, bah, 2 holes, quit you whining :heh: :p :grin: ;)
Yeah, 2 holes, but I had 3 others done a few weeks ago too! I've had that sand blasting thing done, but it was cold air, and my teeth are very sensitive! Ouch, it hurt bad!

Nogie, I had novacaine shots, not anesthesia! :(
I hate popcorn (because it always gets stuck in my teeth). Like, when I'm at the movies, I get nachos instead.

p.s. dentists rule, especially the movie. :grin:
My dental experience > Yours

When I was in 2nd grade, my mom picked me up from school early. I asked her why, and she said we were going to the toy store. I had no idea why, but seeing as I was in 2nd grade, I didn't need a reason and was overjoyed. I soon realized that we weren't go to the toy store...:)
When we were in the waiting room I was crying a wasn't a dentist, it was a special mouth surgeon's office. I had to get SEVEN teeth pulled that day. Fucking seven. I got three different kinds of anesthesia/numbing shit....First, nitrous oxide....then I got this gel shit on my gums to numb them, and then a shot of novacaine into the gumbs. That was a rough day...sort of. As a side effect of the laughing gas, I often exclaimed various phrases during the procedure, such as "I AM FLYING FRANKENSTEIN!!!!!!". Don't ask.