is anyone else dreading summer?

Do you hate summer?

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We design in metric where I work (25.4 mm to an inch). Except temperature is still in F.

And why isn't there a metric time? Military time is close but I think there should be like a 100:20 am.
Because our time is relative to the rotation of the earth and you can't metricize a natural phenomenon which takes 365.25 rotations per revolution. I'd like to see someone divide the rotations of the earth into powers of 10.
That's what I'm trying to say but how practical would that be on this planet if we divided the rotations of the planet into powers of ten when 365.25 doesn't divide evenly by powers of 10.
There's 86400 seconds in a day. Well, if we have 100,000 metric day units those would just be equal to .864 seconds. So midnight would be 0 day units. And 40,000 metric day units would be 34560 seconds, or 9:36 am. And so on and so forth.
Alright. How's this. 1 day unit = .01 rotations. This gives 36525 day units in a year. Then you could have milliday units and centiday units, etc. And we no longer have days and months. Just Day units. So 12:00 am January 2 would be 100 day units (assuming 1 day = 1 rotation). This way you would no longer need a calendar, just a clock. The time of day would also relfect the time of year.