Is anyone here acquainted with law?

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I have a certain situation, which kind of goes against my grain, but nonetheless is picking at me. At the present moment, I am a bit lazy to type out the story but I just want to know if anyone of you mofos are acquainted with law and/or a lawyer. I have some questions.
I don't know much at all, but I'm sure you can claim workers comp, though since Bush passed the anti-lawsuit bill, don't count on getting millions.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush wasted no time in signing a bill that he says will curtail multimillion-dollar class-action lawsuits against companies.

The first legislative triumph of Bush's second term is a historic step toward "breaking one of the main shackles holding back our economy and America's work force -- lawsuit abuse," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Illinois.

The House approved the bill by a 279-149 vote Thursday as businesses finally saw success after a decade of efforts to reduce their legal liability from cases where a single person or a small group can represent the interests in court of many thousands of people.

While businesses failed to get the measure to apply to suits already in the courts, Bush offered immediate help by signing the bill Friday.

The president has described class-action suits as often frivolous. Businesses complain that state judges and juries have been too generous to plaintiffs.

The bill "will help protect people who are wrongfully harmed while reducing the frivolous lawsuits that clog our courts, hurt the economy, cost jobs, and burden American businesses," Bush said.

Under the legislation, class-action suits seeking $5 million or more would be heard in state court only if the primary defendant and more than one-third of the plaintiffs are from the same state. But if fewer than one-third of the plaintiffs are from the same state as the primary defendant, and more than $5 million is at stake, the case would go to federal court.

Consumer groups and trial lawyers fought against the bill, but lost their struggle when Republicans gained seats in last fall's elections and Democrats defected on the issue.

"The House of Representatives joined the Senate in sending a clear message to the nation: the rights of large corporations that take advantage of seniors, low-wage workers and local communities are more important than the rights of average American citizens," said Helen Gonzales of USAction, a liberal, pro-consumer activist group.

Changing the legal system -- including class-action, medical malpractice and asbestos injury lawsuits -- has been a priority of Bush, the GOP and businesses. They have criticized what they see as a litigation crisis that enables lawyers to reap huge profits while businesses and consumers are stuck with the bill.

Bush and other Republicans say greedy lawyers have taken advantage of the state class-action suit system by filing frivolous cases in places where they know they can win big dollar verdicts. Meanwhile, those lawyers' clients get only small sums or coupons giving them discounts for products of the company they just sued, GOP lawmakers contend.

House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, said that moving those cases to federal court will ensure that state judges will no longer "routinely approve settlements in which the lawyers receive large fees and the class members receive virtually nothing."

But Democrats say Republicans just want to protect corporations from taking responsibility for their wrongdoing by keeping them clear of state courts that might issue multimillion-dollar verdicts against them.

Federal courts are expected to allow fewer large class-action suits to go forward, which Democrats say means more businesses will get away with wrongdoing and fewer ordinary people will be protected.

"It's the final payback to the tobacco industry, to the asbestos industry, to the oil industry, to the chemical industry at the expense of ordinary families who need to be able go to court to protect their loved ones when their health has been compromised," said Rep. Ed Markey, D-Massachusetts. "And these people are saying that your state isn't smart enough, your jurors aren't smart enough" to hear those cases.

The bill also would limit lawyers' fees in settlements where plaintiffs get discounts on products instead of financial settlements. The measure links the fees to the coupon's redemption rate or the actual hours spent working on a case.
Yeah well I am law school drop out, but I worked as a law clerk for two years in a workers comp personal injury firm.

So, did you have a oral, written, or implied contract of work with this landlord? If you did, you have a workers compcase. If not, you have Personal Injury case. And actually since he is your landlord ( God its been three years since I have been in the legal field) he has a certian amount of responsibility towards providing you with a safe dwelling etc. SO, you would probably easily win a PI. Is he your landlord, or do you just work for him?

Anyway, Go to a lawyer, explain the situation, he should send you to a doctor, or a chiropracter--if its your back which 85% of these workers comp things are. The lawyer will make the necessary motions and appeals; and will take (well I dont know how much the max is in Mass or is it Rhode Island) from 40% or less of your winnings from the case. Forget about doing it without a lawyer, workers comp will deny everytime you even if you were horrifically injured.

I can see your point about the landlord, he most likely doesnt pay into the workers comp system. But the whole system is beneficial to him, as the state will represent him--will underaward you what your injury is worth etc.

Well keep asking me more questions about it, and I will reference old cases I was on, or my dusty law books. And I also am good friends with a few practicing lawyers who will lend me advice for free.
Doomcifer said:
I have a certain situation, which kind of goes against my grain, but nonetheless is picking at me. At the present moment, I am a bit lazy to type out the story but I just want to know if anyone of you mofos are acquainted with law and/or a lawyer. I have some questions.

My pops is an attorney. And regardless of that bill, you can still get paid a small fortune. As long as you can prove negligence. Hell, at my last job, this check held our employer hostage for like 6 months becasue she threatened to sue... and she wasn't even hurt.
Okay, here is the story.

I work in collections but on Wednesday, I had to help out with deliveries. So me and the delivery guy, Hector, went out on the road to do the daily deliveries. We arrive at the second stop to deliver a bedroom set on second floor of an apartment building. The hallway was very tight so the boxspring would not fit up. We decide, like usually, to just bring it over the 2nd floor balcony and he decides to go up to the balcony and I will hoist the boxspring up for him to bring it over and into the apartment. So, I hoist the boxspring up and he (barely 160lbs.) hardly even leans up against the balcony railing/fence, and it completely falls off, sending him falling down with it, along with the railing down to me. Me, with my catlike reflexes quickly duck and run for cover as he falls to the pavement and injurs himself; shoulder and back. Lucky he didnt kill himself really or much worse of an injury. So Im flipping out and end up bringing him to the medical center (not the hospital mind you because my job said it was too expensive). This railing/fence was made of wood, along with the balcony and was just propped there, looking ike it was sturdy but WAS NOT! The landlord also knew of us doing a delivery that day. Anyways, he got checked out and is out for a bit, and I got checked out 2 days later, Friday, because after the incident my back was progressively getting worse. I was dx with a sprained L4 vertebrate w/ msucle spasms and given meds, etc. I am fucking pain nonetheless, cant even fucking walk or get up right.

I need to know wtf to do, because this Landlord doesnt deserve a fucking tenemant house. That could have been somebodys kids or w/e. Just so happened, it was Hector and I, lol.
Best wishes in suing the arsehole.

Ask at your local law library for cases to reference and recommendations.
no problem. Now that I read your story and from personal experience, you can get workers comp from your employer, who, in turn, will sue the landlord. Have you guys talked about the situation with your employer?

But dont worry, I sent a email off, Ill tell you what he says. And dont feel threatened by talking to a lawyer or a Legal Aid service in your hometown. Remember these guys are sort of like ambulance chasers, they dont make any money until they win your case; they are generally ok dudes though, they may forget about your case, or take less money than you should get if they put some time in.

I have had a strained lower back before, took a month before I could sleep without vicodin or alot of liquor.
speed said:
no problem. Now that I read your story and from personal experience, you can get workers comp from your employer, who, in turn, will sue the landlord. Have you guys talked about the situation with your employer?

But dont worry, I sent a email off, Ill tell you what he says. And dont feel threatened by talking to a lawyer or a Legal Aid service in your hometown. Remember these guys are sort of like ambulance chasers, they dont make any money until they win your case; they are generally ok dudes though, they may forget about your case, or take less money than you should get if they put some time in.

I have had a strained lower back before, took a month before I could sleep without vicodin or alot of liquor.

No, I havent spoken to my DM about it yet. I am not that fond of him in the first place. lol I might talk pay a visit to the local lawyer office down the street on Tuesday, my day off. I think I may have to fill out a police report though.
Well I got a short cryptic response via email; basically sounds like a workers comp as he was on the job. And need more information. Ill reply asking for more details.