Cops and troubles with the Law?


Sangfroid Affectations
Sep 2, 2001
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Hey guys,

I'm just curious. I know what many of you feel about certain political parties, and about people in general, but what do you feel about cops? etc.?

Also, has anyone gotten in trouble with the law? arrested- even incarcerated?
Originally posted by slingblade
yeah, but i really don't feel like talking about it. and no, it was just an overnite stay, a few of em', and i din't get ass-raped!:lol:

I know what you mean. I never got jailed, but in college, my fresman year, I did get arrested once- handcuffs behind the back, cop car, police station, and all. But I don't like talking about it either.

But I like cops. I (pretend to) have civil duties, and do my best to be a law-abiding citizen these days. Or am I just an institutionalized sheep? Some people are repellent towards cops. I'm not sure if I can sympathize.
I used to think all cops were bad until I was arrested and was treated really well. I co-operated with them and in return the officers cool with me, but there are those (cops) who abuse their power simply because they can. Take where I live for example, our sheriff was booted from office for screwing an inmate because he wanted to. A couple years ago two city police here broke into their own office and stole cocaine and guns..........ahhh fuck it! My town sucks! Back to the subject, I deal with alot of cops where I work and most are really good people who just want to make a difference, but their are those I run into that are just straight up assholes.
I like telling this story, it will help you realize that crime over the internet isn't as safe as you'd think:

My friend is really into scams and money making stuff over the internet. So he tells me about You buy products, and you get points to spend on stuff (including online debit card type things). So what we did, is we bought $2500 worth of aibo electronic dogs, with a debit card that had $0 on it, but we bought them through paypal. What happened was, we got the paypal points, and then the card got declined, but we got to keep our points. With those points I got $100 :eek: :grin: :eek:
I was so damn excited, I bought a bunch of CD's and was all happy about getting free money. So my friend says a few months later, I'm going to try to get $2000 from mypoints :eek:
We were talking about it at lunch, and my other friend is saying "you're going to get arrested, bla bla bla", I would have been very pissed off he he got the $2000 and I didn't, so I decided to try it for $1000 :rolleyes:

If I were smart, I would have done it over multiple debit card, different names, and various products, but no, I did one $0 debit card, and ordered I think $200,000 worth of Aibos :rolleyes: My friend did it even more. And then when it didn't work, he did it like 10 times (Fucking idiot is probably the reason we both got caught). And so summer started and I was thinking it didn't work. I go to my mypoints account and I see it say "points that will be recieved in 15 days: 250,000", or however many it was. I got so fucking excited, I was planning what I would buy with my $1000. So one night I go to check my e-mail and I see "Mypoints security" I almost shit my pants. I continued reading and the jist of it was "We think your account has been hacked, and was used to illegially obtain points, someone else in your area was also hacked, we will prosecute the perpetrators to the full extent of the law" I was fucking scared shitless, I didn't know why they thought it was a hacker, when it would be more likely I did it, who knows. I was expecting them to call me, and try to prosecute me or whatever, I couldn't sleep for a long time, I was just waiting for the next e-mail or phone call. After the initial terror of the first 3 days, I just kind of waited, but I tried to not think about it. Months passed, and the call or e-mail never came, I got off free, and I'll NEVER STEAL ANYTHING AGAIN :eek:

Here's a story:

I think when I was 12-13 I took my brothers car out for a joy ride at night- I got caught the minute I got of my block- the story is kind of intricate so I won't get into the details. But I heard that all cops were laughing when my parents went to the station to pick the car up. It's one of those times- when your heart starts thumping because you know you're in deep shit. :lol:

These days my only worries with cops are highway patrol and speeding tickets.
Originally posted by Oyo
Yeah I hate that feeling. I don't know if I felt the same as you, you were already caught by the police and knew you were screwed. I had the lingering worry of not knowing if I was screwed or not, I had no idea what the legal consequences of attempting to steal electronic money, but I knew $2000 was way over grand theft, and i was scarreeeeddd :eek: :eek: :eek:


How much money/credit did you steal?

My friend once told me that she was able to get out of paying those BMG music services any money due to her age- some kind of statutory loop-hole pertaining to minors.

Anyway, that feeling- it's the worse feeling- you think your is world over and you just want to die!

postedit: I used to get the same feeling towards my dad actually- those days playing hooky from elementary school- and he'd come from work unanticipated- damn, my heart would almost burst. :spin: (shit so many memories popping up because of this board. I remember playing hooky with friends in their apartments playing the cheesiest sega and nintendo games- those were truest vacations known to man)
I stole $100, got caught trying for $1000 or so. Yeah, I thought it was over, and I'd get at least some kind of penalty. Hehe, I never played hookey :cry: Sometimes I just lie about missing the bus and staying home, but that's just because I am too damn lazy to go, I never have fun staying home. I remember having fun playing sega and nintendo, get an emulator and play those games again, good memories.
Originally posted by E V I L
I used to get the same feeling towards my dad actually- those days playing hooky from elementary school- and he'd come from work unanticipated- damn, my heart would almost burst. :spin: (shit so many memories popping up because of this board. I remember playing hooky with friends in their apartments playing the cheesiest sega and nintendo games- those were truest vacations known to man)

Ahhh... Those were the days... *wipes tear from eye*

Here's my only arrest story: I was about 9 or 10 and I went to KMart with my mom and there was this old crappy Commodore 64 game there that I wanted REAL bad (why, I have no clue) so I decided to stick it down my pants (I had actually done this about 2 or 3 times before without any trouble :grin: )... Well, I got caught... I knew for sure that I was dead meat! (Man, that's an old phrase!) This was one time I was glad my Mom was a devout Christian, I'll tell ya... They call her to the front of the store which, of course, embarrased the shit out of her and me... The first words out of my mouth were: "The Devil made me do it!" LOL!!! I guess she believed me because my punishment didn't turn out too bad, lol! Anyways, I got to ride in the back of the cop car and all that... That's pretty damn scary for a 9 or 10 year old!

Well, most kids would've probably stopped right then and there and NEVER do anything like that again... I stopped a few years ago... Never got caught again, though...


RELATED: I thought about being a cop once, but I figured I'd have to arrest myself...
I live in Mexico so go figure. If you walk in a bad neightborhood at night and a cop see's you he takes you away just because you are suspicious, the real deal is that he wants bribe cause the chief of police ( all of them ) usually ask for a daily quota, so they take you away just for being walking on the street alone at night. Ive been taken away for being sitting on a bench on the park with some friends just because someone did crap a few blocks away, ive been asked to live my friends house at night cause i was waiting in the car outside his home. I have friends that have been taking away to jail for the night cause they were drinking inside a parked car, violating any constitucional right by forcing them out of the car in the first place ( the dumbass had the windows open ) and its so much trouble to get even that you just ignore them bribe them or avoid them all the time.
When I was 14 my friend John and I were drinking. We got it in our head to go for a walk:rolleyes: He had way to much to drink and passed out. Being drunk myself, he started choking on his vomit and I didn't know what to do! The ambulance came, and I got handcuffed and taken downtown. They yelled at me for maybe 40 minutes and then gave me to my parents, though they were cool about it, given the circumstances.