Is anyone here going to Ragnarok Festival in Germany?

Not this year. I too will be going over the pond for Wacken (and if I can swing a long vacation, maybe another fest in August), and before that taking a trip to Chicago for paganfest/Powerfest.
Chicago powerfest and Wacken/ Party San are taking up most of my funds this year, though Ragnarok has by far the best lineup of them all, it's too soon for me to financially commit to it when I'm on such a limited budget till the end of 2008.
I'll be at Ragnarök this March. I was there last year in 2007 and it was indeed an amazing festival. I was there with a friend and we camped out outside the concert hall. Pretty much a concert and a "tailgate" outside. The whole town was overrun by metallers for 2 days.
I am reasonably certain that I will be going :)

I could really use some advice, though - this'll be my first trip to Europe, and my first European metal fest! Are there any tips or tricks you can offer, and anything in particular that a small blonde girl traveling solo should watch out for at the fest?
Hang out with Nick(TheGreatDeceiver) and Brandon(Swizzlenuts), they're seasoned Euro vets that I'm sure will be more than happy to keep you out of harm's way!
Haha, good ol' Swizzlenuts...I remember him from HCII, whatta character :p

I am reasonably certain that I will be going :)

I could really use some advice, though - this'll be my first trip to Europe, and my first European metal fest! Are there any tips or tricks you can offer, and anything in particular that a small blonde girl traveling solo should watch out for at the fest?

Water, loads and loads of water. I'm going to be staying at the halls Ragnoroek is providing.

Maybe I'll see you around! ...and maybe not as drunk!