Is Bon Jovi touring Oz soon?

Originally posted by The Trooper
Yep I have Spawny. And I wasn't very impressed overall. He isn't a bad vocalist, but Jon is AMAZING.

I cant believe it :eek: I really cant!

I WONT believe it ;)
Bon Jovi was my first fave band. If not for them I wouldn't be into rock or metal at all maybe! I've been listening to them since I was 8 years old! So yes, I'm a true fan! Hehe.

And Spawny, I do love Richie. When I was a little tacker I had this little toy Strat hahaha, I used to run around playing air guitar to the Bed Of Roses intro on it wishing I was Richie Sambora.
I can play the intro to Bed Of Roses! :rock: But not the rest of the song, so I break into Angel Of Death and hope noone notices :cry:

Im not saying Richie is BETTER on his own, just a much better vocalist :D Richie and Jon have a chemistry few can match :)
But Jon is such a better vocalist with such a better range and more rock star attitude in his voice!

Hahaha Xena, that's coz I am cute ;) :lol:
Oh and you know how little kids draw things all the time? Like cars and flowers and sports stuff?

Well I used to draw all Richie's guitars from their video clips haha!
Tonci showed me that today. It's a shame I'm broke, I would've bought it probably, because I'd LOVE to know how to play VVI songs and can't for the life of me work them out! Coz the solos are too fast to make out lol, and the tuning is between E and F so it makes it hard to play along. And its damn hard anyway.
Spawn......... You are fucked up!

Jon has an amaing voice. Now I like to consider myself to be quite the Karaoke wizz. Last Saturday Night I actually got up 6 times and sang:
Twist and Shout
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I Guess thats why they call it the Blues
I saw Her Standing There
Eagle Rock

The closest thing they had to metal was Bon Jovi, and I couldn't do it. Living on a prayer. Have you ever tried to sing that song properly.. the "Whoa we're half way there... WWWWWHHHOOOAA LIVING ON A PRAYER!" Part requires an incredible amount of talent and a huge fuckin voice.

Ritchie is an ok vocalist, and compliments Jon very well for the backup vocals, but Jon's voice is awesome!
I do wonder if anyone here OWNS richies 2 solo albums and has given them more than a passing listen :D
I used to have one of them. The one released around the time of Jon's Destination Anywhere I think. Between These Days and Crush. Dad got it free. I sold it.
Nope that was Undiscovered Soul, a great album, but it took a while to grow on me, I think the first ones better overall, but both are great :)