Is it ironic I'm listening to S.O.D. and job hunting on

I posted my resume on a few weeks back which resulted in a reply from an organisation from Saudi Arabia - of all places. They were recruiting cleaners. My resume was an ideal match for their position and so they asked me whether I was interested in joining this huge oil company to clean their offices.Suffice to say, I didn't take the job but I took another look at my resume to see how my experience in IT qualified me as an 'office scrubber.' - Bizarre.
If the recession led to anything, it led to two things for some of us: (a) unemployment, or (b) boring jobs.

I qualify as (b). Seriously, there is NOTHING going on at my firm. Everyday, I'm just waiting to be told that they're letting me go. I fucking hate that anxiety of not knowing what's up.

A couple of years back, when Silicon Valley was booming and times were good, man I loved my job. And now there is just a cloud of dust in the country. Is it me, or is there a sense of insecurity still in the air? Nobody knows what's going to happen next, and nobody's willing to take a risk.
I'm a banker, and the area I live in is almost sickening in its ability to make money for almost everyone. The negative side is that the cost of living is getting so insane that only the upper class are actually making it work for them(or the people that have lived here their whole lives).

Anyway . . . the feeling of insecurity in your job is probably THE most stressful thing.
The insecurity is still very much in the air like radioactive material spewn from Chernobyl. When I was in the US last year, I was reading awful stories about people being made redundant and they had like three kids to put through school and all that. The worst thing, is that these people had savings that were completely wiped out by the crash. Talk about being hit from all sides.

These are bad times.
I just thought it was funny that I was listening to a US nationalist CD while trying to move to England, that's all. :loco:

That is one major reason for me not leaving my current job though, since the housing industry is exploding every frickin' day in SoCal, my job security is rather high. Still bored as poop though.
oooh, I missed that your wrote '' thing on the monster search. Anything interesting going on in the UK job market then?

My insecurity comes with the job I do. When I'm on a project, I'm busy as hell, flying in & out every week to some location in the middle of nowhere, and when I'm 'on the bench', I basically work from home, which means playing with and looking after my kid, working on RC, watching some tv, and of course chatting with you dregs. :grin:

I need to be near my computer at all times for when I get sporadic work e-mails. It's not like I can even take off for 2 weeks because my next project can come out of the blue.
npearce said:
The negative side is that the cost of living is getting so insane that only the upper class are actually making it work for them(or the people that have lived here their whole lives).
That's the same everywhere. The upper classes always rule. I don't care what anyone says, but having money solves everything. You either have it, or you're scum.

The USA is not a cheap place to live anymore. If you came over from Europe, say, 10 years ago, the difference in "cost of living" was remarkable, but now I'd say they're on par - especially in the city areas.

note: "standard of living" is still better in the US than in Europe.
My job bores my tits silly.

NAD: If you're like the Californians I'm around, you will only be able to tolerate the weather in:

a) Hawaii
b) Somewhere else near the equator and near the ocean
npearce said:
NAD: If you're like the Californians I'm around, you will only be able to tolerate the weather in:

a) Hawaii
b) Somewhere else near the equator and near the ocean
Honestly, I don't even know. I've been camping in below freezing temp. enough times to know I can handle it, but that's hardly living in it for months on end. Being near the ocean is pretty unnecessary for me though, I hate the beach.

Found some interesting jobs last night, but nothing grabbed me by the nuts and took me to just yet. :grin:
You want to move to England? Interesting.

As for the job market, I've found that it's strong for some sectors, and weak for others, at least here in the States. Unemployment has actually gone down steadily over the past few months, signs for sure that the economy by and large is improving. However, it seems that only certain industries are experiencing growth spurts. My conundrum is that I have a strong sales background and sales is growing (face it, it always is), but oftentimes I hate it. Oh well. Poop.
It's typical - I post something earlier about being bored at work, and then today I get a whole load of work thrown at me that needs to get tonight. Bastids.
Jaykeeley said:
It's typical - I post something earlier about being bored at work, and then today I get a whole load of work thrown at me that needs to get tonight. Bastids.
Maybe, they are monitoring this thread and keeping their beedy eyes on a new meaning to the term 'Big Brother.'