Is it just me or does Pod HD reamp suck


Sep 8, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Just bought an HD 300 and I've been surprised that a lot of the amp sims I already have used sound MUCH better (clarity, realism, etc,.)

Had Eleven Rack, tried Guitar Rig, Metal Amp room. So far Eleven has been FAR superior for what I like in an amp tone as compared to this but I hear a lot of really great sounding pod clips on this forum (but I'm guessing these aren't PodHD)

I'm routing output of 003 into guitar input and then the output of HD into preamp on 003 so I don't think it's a routing prob but the tones just sound like unclear shit.

No Pod Farm compatibility really sucks too.

Anyone have this unit and know something I need to try before I return this?

Any suggestions on other Line 6 products that DO sound good?
built in pod cab sims and mic impulses.

Haven't ventured into other impulses yet because that's a completely different pain in the ass lol

I've got some impulses I'll try but I don't know if you can turn the cab completely off. I'll check again
By the way, avoid using the preamps, just leave it 0, get it in Line level, because there's preamp in ur HD 300, just control the output level of your POD HD to get optimum level.

Its like Miking up vocal --->U87--->Mic Pre---> Another Mic Pre? ---> Input -->DAW --> Garbage @_@

BTW, have you tried reamping that through amp sim like Amplitube 3/Guitar Rig? check whether it sounds good/bad, if it is bad, then it must be because of the source already sound like shit.
Do the presets you're using sound good before you attempt to reamp?

Record a simple riff, play it on the POD HD with a self-made preset that sounds good, then reamp it into the POD HD... if it doesn't sound the same then that'll be a clear indication that it's your something in your reamp chain that is the issue.

Maybe you could post a small clip so we can hear what you're hearing..?
ok so clips are gonna have to wait but in trying to make clips I realized what the difference is.

The texture is completely different on the two. The gain is much smoother on the line 6 but the eleven sits better in the mix because of the way they have the impulses set up I think. I don't know if everyone else has this problem but the treadplate is entirely too bassy. It's ridiculous. The definition of the two amp sims is not even close but maybe that's because I can't use anything but the cab sims that are already in the HD300 and it looks like "No Cab" is only an option on the HD500 wtf?

To be fair though, I'm also using the supplied impulse from Eleven Free (which sounds similar to the one on the acutal 11R but I remember it not being identical)

The clarity difference may be the difference between the amps and honestly the comparison isn't fair because the eleven is simulating a different amp than the HD.
Do the presets you're using sound good before you attempt to reamp?

Record a simple riff, play it on the POD HD with a self-made preset that sounds good, then reamp it into the POD HD... if it doesn't sound the same then that'll be a clear indication that it's your something in your reamp chain that is the issue.

Maybe you could post a small clip so we can hear what you're hearing..?

I'm getting ready to travel 4.5 hrs back home but once i'm there I'll get right on this. Right now the only guitar I have is an Airline that isn't even mine and I have never recorded it before.