POD X3 vs POD Farm (vs POD HD)


New Metal Member
Mar 18, 2011

This question may have already been asked but it's hard to search for it when you ned minimum 3 chars per word :bah:

So, is there any difference in sound quality, tone, effects or something, or is POD Farm just an identical replica of the POD X3, just as a plugin?

And secondly, is the POD HD better than X3/Farm in every way? I heard someone said that the X3 was better for metal. Anyone else share this experience?

PODfarm = PODxt/x3 tech = same sounds.

POD HD is a new technology = diff sounds.

So far, from what I have heard, the XT/X3/farm sounds are better for heavy stuff than the HD.
006: Nice! Pod Farm it is then :) Would be nice to have something to stop on though :/

Just picked up a Pod HD today so going to compare it against pod farm when I get the hang of tweaking it.

Looking forward to that :)
I would really want the hd to be better, just so I get a reason to get a real unit :P I'm on Mac so I can't use all these free awesome amps from LePou and Onquel etc... I'm on ReValver now which is ok for jamming, but nothing more than that IMO.

But I will look in to POD Farm! I'ts a shame that you need a line6 device or some funky usb dongle to even try it though x(
I would really want the hd to be better, just so I get a reason to get a real unit :P I'm on Mac so I can't use all these free awesome amps from LePou and Onquel etc... I'm on ReValver now which is ok for jamming, but nothing more than that IMO.

But I will look in to POD Farm! I'ts a shame that you need a line6 device or some funky usb dongle to even try it though x(

Good news for you. Lepou has ported most of his sims over to Mac VST + AU and Pod Farm 2 can be used with any interface with the recent update.
I'ts a shame that you need a line6 device or some funky usb dongle to even try it though x(

There is nothing wrong with iLok. Period. Just get one and try it, if you don't like it you can sell the iLok to someone for a very small loss, if any at all.
You can authorize Pod Farm using the Line6 online authentication software. iLok or Line6 device no longer required.