Pod HD OR POS FARM 2.5 ?


Dec 29, 2013
I would like to know if there is a differance in the sound between the pod HD rackmounted version and The pod farm plugin ? Caus the pod hd is way more expencive :p thanks !
POD Farm modeling technology dates back to about 2003. POD HD line is from 2010. Huuuuuuge difference haha.

I have the rackmounted HD (the Pro, not the Pro X, which I recommend buying used on eBay because there is literally no difference between the two aside from being able to use a couple more effects on some amp models) and I like it a lot. It's not an Axe FX or a Kemper, but if you EQ it right and spend some time tweaking you can get it to sound great in a mix. It also has some super useful features, like variable input impedance with the db pad, a pretty nice XLR input with some nice additional features (optional 20 db pad, high pass filter for recording) and a ton of output options. Even if you think the high-gain amp models suck, you can always buy the TSE X50 and use the HD as an audio interface and/or for its clean/low gain models, which IMO are much better than its high-gain models.

That said, POD Farm is still nice to have since you can put the effects on any instrument as a VST, but if you have a good DAW that shouldn't matter.