Is it just me...


Beyond The Nothingness
Aug 11, 2003
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Has anyone here had trouble adapting to Vintersorg in Borknagar, or you just prefer everything up to, and including Quintessence?

I'm not trying to start anything, and as you can see, I just made my first post on this forum yesterday. I've been a Borknagar fan ever since I heard The Olden Domain shortly after it was released and have loved them ever since. I've just had a really hard time getting into anything with Vintersorg in it (not that I don't like his style, Cosmic Genesis is one of my all time favorites). For some reason though, he just doesn't fit into the band very well in my opinion. I'm not speaking of his personality and all that, but mainly his vocal style. Maybe it takes awhile longer to get into it?

Anyways, has anyone here been through this? Maybe I need to listen to Empiricism more? Am I the only one here who prefers Garm and Vortex?
Well, I really liked Vortex in Quintessence and in The Archaic Course, and yeah Vintersorg was pretty different in Empiricism and Epic, but I got used to him and now I just like him on Borknagar as much as Vortex and Garm. Maybe even more :err:
I really dont give 2 shits!!! Vintersorg is as great fucken Vocalist and so was Vortex, but Bork. needed a new Vox. Hey,Vintersorg would have been my pic if I had to choose!!! I think he fits in just well.

Hey Mr. V keep up the Great work in your own project "Vintersorg" and in Borknagar!!! Cant wait for Epic, and The Focusing Blur kicks ass!!!
AsHornsFade said:
I really dont give 2 shits!!! Vintersorg is as great fucken Vocalist and so was Vortex, but Bork. needed a new Vox. Hey,Vintersorg would have been my pic if I had to choose!!! I think he fits in just well.

Hey Mr. V keep up the Great work in your own project "Vintersorg" and in Borknagar!!! Cant wait for Epic, and The Focusing Blur kicks ass!!!
Tell us how you really feel...
TravisW said:
Tell us how you really feel...


Trollwandering said:
I think they each sound perfect with the album they sing on...I couldn't picture Empiricism sung by Vortex or Olden Domain sung by Vintersorg...that would be interesting to hear though :)

You bring up a good point. I guess I don't really look much at each album as a single piece of work, but instead look at all of their albums as a whole, well, besides Empiricism which like I said, kind of threw me off. Maybe next time I listen to it I'll try to picture it as a single album instead of a follow-up to Quintessence.
Actually, Empiricism did take a little getting used to for me. I don't know why. I sort of listened to it all at once and just didn't take it in I think :err: . So for a while I wasn't playing much of the stuff off it.

But then the Inherit the Earth video was on the website and when I got that, I was just thinking how did I ever miss this song? Then I put the whole album on repeat for a long time and I started thinking how did I ever miss the whole thing? So I don't know, give it some time maybe. What I have heard of Epic so far I already like however.
Empiricism didnt take much getting used to for me because 'The genuine Pulse' was the first song I heard by them. But hearing Quintessence afterwards was quite a change because of the different vocalist. So I guess it was reverse for me. I remember doing the same thing when i first heard 'The Sham Mirrors' By Arcturus because i was so used to hearing 'Aspera Heims Symphonia'. I didn't like it at all really. I put it away for a while and played it like a month later and couldn't stop listening to it.
Kanyon said:
Actually, Empiricism did take a little getting used to for me. I don't know why. I sort of listened to it all at once and just didn't take it in I think :err: . So for a while I wasn't playing much of the stuff off it.

But then the Inherit the Earth video was on the website and when I got that, I was just thinking how did I ever miss this song? Then I put the whole album on repeat for a long time and I started thinking how did I ever miss the whole thing? So I don't know, give it some time maybe. What I have heard of Epic so far I already like however.

I actually listened to Empiricism tonight about 5 times in a row while I was putting together a couple of closet cabinets. At first, like all other times, none of the songs seemed to have any memorable parts on them, but as I listened to it more and more I started to get into the catchier moments on the album. I just figure it's going to be something that grows on me. What's weird though is maybe during the middle of the fourth time I played it, I forgot Vintersorg was doing vocals on it. Not that it sounded like Vortex, but it was just...I don't know, it was weird. It was like a whole other band.

About putting the album on repeat, I also had to do it with The Archaic Course when I first started listening to it. I actually made myself listen to it, and now, it's my second favorite next to Quintessence.

Come to think of it, I don't think any Borknagar album I bought instantly clicked with me right away. Letting them sink in from repeated listens is definately worth the time. I kind of feel stupid for making this thread now since I've got into Empiricism more than I've ever been with just a few back to back listens. Yeah, anyways, I'm gonna turn it on again and play it a few times before I go to bed.
I'm probably in the minority with my not-so-big liking of Simen's voice. But I always liked Mr.V, especially his Cosmic Geneseis work. So when I got to know he was going to be the new vox of Borknagar, I was pretty much relieved...
And then I gave some spin to Empiricism after its release, and it clicked instantly (note: not only because Mr.V's vox, but mostly because the better production, better musicanship and better songs.)
But the thing I really admire is how Oystein can get his band together after vocalists left.
I have always held the firm belief that Krystoffer (garm) has always been their best vocalist. I am especially partial to their first albums, but all Borknagar is good mainly because of OYSTEIN= Members change but borknagar stays the same.

Garm - best
Simon - 2nd best, in shitty band now
Mr. V - to be honest I like his work in VINTERSORG much better than Borknagar, and the last 2 albums have obviously had alot of VINTERSORG influence and you can tell in the grand scheme of things :)
I have to admit...when I first heard Vortex was no longer in the band and Bork was going on with a new vocalist named Vintersorg...I was really hesitant because I am a huge fan of Vortex (only listen to Dimmu now because of Vortex's minute vocal parts and now moving onto Lamented Souls)...then I heard The Genuine Pulse mp3 from Bork's Impericism album and still was hesitant...then one day while I was re-ordering Olden Domain, decided to give Empiricism a listen and ordered it as well...and I must say, I was completely impressed with Vintersorg's vocals...I think they are so unique..and would have to say, now, Vintersorg is one of my all time favorite vocalists as well....Vintersorg has some kind of strange intelligence behind his vocals that is fascinating...I would also recommend Vintersorg's Till Fjalls album...It will win you over!!! But I would have to say, Borknagar always has the best vocalists..because they are the best musicians....and yes, Borknagar and Vintersorg are a perfect match...\m/
Vintersorg does what he does in borknagar amazingly well. Empiricism had a very different feel to it than either of the Vortex albums, or either of the Garm albums. I do not think it would have sounded right as a whole with Vortex singing. Garm on the other hand, well he is my hands down all time favorite vocalist, so I am a bit biased as to how i think the newer stuff would sound with him singing.

I think the reason that Empiricism is a hard listen at first is because Mr. V has a bit of a different approach vocally than Vortex or Garm, you can hear it in his style and in all of the works hes done. Maybe when he was still in the Otyg days he would have sounded more along the lines in style to Vortex or Garm, but as time went on, he took a very different style approach than Vortex and Garm did. That's just my two cents
Nothing against Mr. V, he's an excellant vocalist himself, and I love Empiricism, but I really dug Vortex's vocals. Oh well. Shame he's wasting his talents in Dummy Burger now.