My Third Borknagar CD...THE OLDEN DOMAIN

Oct 26, 2002
After your recommendations and after I had said that I was fine with just the Vintersorg Borknagar CD's, I finally caved in and got a non-Vintersorg Borknagar CD...THE OLDEN DOMAIN.

And I pretty much feel the same way I did when I got EMPIRICISM...I'm sure glad I picked it up...

More Viking themes in this CD, which being a fan of Viking-era Bathory, Amon Amarth, Falkenbach, and others, is just fine with me. The songs are great. My favourites are "To Mountans Rode" (I may have spelled that wrong, the calligraphy on the CD is a bit hard to read) and the beautiful instrumental "Ascension Of Our Fathers."

I'm not too fond of the singer, but he's alright. It's a little hard to compare him to one of my all-time favourite singers, Vintersorg, but let's just say he's not terrible.

Overall a great album...
Quintessence is still the best i have ever heard, so grab that one, Rainbow Demon! :))
TOD is my favorite record of all time :) close followed by the other Borknagar records ofcourse :) But Garms vocal on TOD is very unique, it takes me away :)

But for the sake of some on these boards, I've decided to post about it in this thread and save everyone the headache! :grin:

Again, I've only listened to it once, but it was rather impressive. It does sound different from THE OLDEN DOMAIN and the Vintersorg CD's. That Borknagar sound that is a trademark of those albums is changed up a bit. Even more experimentation than EPIC...